First-time buyers see property prices rise and deposits shoot up

First-time buyers are now paying £209,000 to get on the housing ladder – a 21% hike over the last ten years.

Despite this, first-time buyer numbers have hit the highest in the decade since 2008, and first-timers now account for 51% of the market.

However, Halifax points out that Help to Buy has been a significant factor in first-time buyers now getting on the housing ladder.

According to Halifax, a first-time buyer in London pays an average of £419,608, followed by someone getting on the housing ladder in the south east, who pays an average of £272,632.

These house prices are up 48% and 37% respectively since 2008.

Halifax also says first-time buyers are putting down record deposits – nationally, the average is £33,127, an increase of 71% from the £19,364 ten years ago.

In London, the average first-time deposit is £114,952, compared with £38,335 in 2008.

Despite this number crunching,  the number of first-time buyers in the first half of this year rose to 175,500, compared with 171,200 in the same period last year, and nearly back to the peak of 2006.

According to Halifax, the average age of today’s first-time buyer is 31, two years older than a decade ago.




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  1. ArthurHouse02

    When the housing market crashed in 2008, first time buyers were largely frozen from the market due to the deposit required, then set at 10%, and the amount being borrowed was typically around 3 times your income. Fast forward 10 years and most banks do 5% deposit, some less, most banks lend at least 5 times your income and sensible lending has gone completely out of the window as share price and income becomes more important than market stability.

    A house market crash will be here before you know it.

    1. Mark Connelly

      Arthur what is the least sensible, 3 x income and interest rates of 12% or 5 x income and interest rates of 2.69%. Multiples in isolation mean nothing.


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