EYE NEWS UPDATE: OnTheMarket launches Your Property Services

OnTheMarket has just announced the launch of Your Property Services (“YPS”) a sales and lettings data nurturing service designed to help estate agents generate additional revenue and win more instructions through valuations.

YPS provides a dedicated team of specialists to act as an extension of an estate agency’s in-house team, nurturing their database to deliver valuations and create a pipeline of well-qualified and motivated leads.

The YPS team is briefed by each agency on the details of their business so that engagement is tailored to their tone of voice. In addition, the YPS team uses a local area number that matches to the branch to provide for familiarity and consistent service. YPS was piloted last year, receiving positive feedback, and already counts Carter Jonas and Dawsons, amongst others, as customers.

Jason Tebb, chief executive officer of OnTheMarket, said: “We are delighted to be providing agents with Your Property Services as an extension of their branch. Our dedicated team of specialists are experts in taking applicants, potential sellers and landlords and nurturing leads to serve them ‘oven ready’ to our agents for a valuation appointment, for example, or to find the most willing and able buyers and tenants. This new highly cost-effective service levels the playing field and helps agencies maximise the value of a database they’ve spent years building, but don’t have the resources to fully exploit.

“The launch of YPS is another key step in our evolution towards becoming a ‘one stop shop’ technology company that provides value-add services for agents across the entire property ecosystem. Most importantly, YPS solves a problem in an innovative and highly effective way helping our clients generate additional revenue. We are, after all, the agents’ portal and our customers are at the heart of everything we do.”



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  1. Toddy

    Please stop. Stop trying to be a one stop shop. All it needs is consumer brand awareness and to be cheaper for agents than RM. That’s it. You can have all the tech you want but agents won’t stick with it if it doesn’t deliver the one thing they truly want from a portal and that is good quality leads.

    1. HIT MAN

      Brand awareness needs to be promoted by Agents in the same way they all promoted RM and OTM are far cheaper. Good quality leads are what OTM are producing from this service.

    2. The Sussex Idler

      Absolutely, Toddy. I can see there are several ‘thumbs down’ on this comment but leads (and the cost of) are everything in my book. It was the whole reason for OTM back in the day…..

    3. Ric

      Their lost… Jack of all trades and a master of none. Shame – AMV1 was the vision most wanted. Executed poorly it is now clear. Hopefully my shares in OTM Tech Company will pay dividend one day.

  2. ian@ferndownestates.com

    This is a great initiative which we’ve been using as a test for several weeks.  The service is very useful and allows our negotiators to follow up genuine leads that have been generated by the OTM team who are mining our database for potential customers.

    At least this portal is providing additional services that agents can get the benefit of and the services offered are as a direct result of the Town Hall meetings derived by Jason Tebb and his team.  Would we not all rather work with portals that take on board what we want, rather than be dictated to?

    Ultimately, the proof will always be whether the portal can get better traction with the public, but this is where Agents need to have faith in their actions by listing their clients’ properties with OTM before others.  Even 24 hours before will start to get the general public to realise there has been a shift in where they need to visit to get properties first.   We’ve been using the Only with Us process for several months and can prove the difference it has made to the balance of enquiries we have been getting.

    Creating an exclusivity element to your marketing can be seen as quite exciting when you present it to clients and if you create a strategy that is different to your competitors, surely this must be a positive?  Why would you want to be doing the same as all of the others in your area??????




  3. Woodentop

    Hope this works, not convinced 100% that a portal is going to make that much an impact on your local community which is where your brand name works for so many reasons, without this need. A case of ‘we can do it because you can’t  ….. thanks!


    I just hope that the take-up doesn’t swamp its ability to service the customer? This is my main concern, pilots schemes often work because it is limited, manageable and isn’t also working for your competitors. Once you go national if the service standards are not maintained it won’t reflect on OTM with the consumer …….. it will be you.

  4. HIT MAN

    Just shows they are on the side of Agents unlike other portals its about time more agents go on board with promoting OTM in the end it will benefit everyone.

  5. morrisseysillegitimateburger

    Some actual, quantifiable leads from OTM would be nice. Get the basics right and then implement these extras.

    Emphasis on brand awareness would be much preferred as the public at large have very short memories.


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