Estate agent filmed in alleyway sex act with rugby star Joe Westerman has been sacked

Joe Westerman

A married estate agent who was caught performing a sex act in public with rugby star Joe Westerman has reportedly been sacked from her job.

We have decided against naming the woman, or the agency who employed her, but she and the Castleford Tigers player, both 33, were filmed by a passerby who caught them in the act following a night out in Pontefract, West Yorkshire at the weekend.

According to the sportstar’s wife Lauren Westerman, 33, the woman, thought to be the spouse of one of Westerman’s best friends, lost her job after the footage went viral on social media.

The graphic seven-second clip, filmed in a dark alley behind a branch of Greggs, was uploaded on to Twitter.

Lauren Westerman said her husband’s actions had caused irreparable harm to her and her children and that their marriage is over.

Speaking about the woman in the video, Ms Westerman told the Sun: “It’s the children I feel for. Our children and her children.

“She’ll [the sacked estate agent] never live it down. She’s lost her job and there are memes of her sweeping the internet, her children are going to see that.”

Ms Westerman added: “Truth is, he only told me because it was on social media. But I’m glad it was found because the thought of kissing him after that just makes me feel sick.”



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  1. Rob Hailstone

    A tawdry tale with the ripples on this particular pond affecting many that don’t deserve them reaching them also. A moment of utter madness, sad for all.

  2. MrManyUnits

    Not the first time an Agent has been blowing in the wind or caught in a compromising position.

  3. iainwhite87

    Bearing in mind there will be others affected by this especially children , should this be a news story at all !!

  4. Isobel Brookfield

    For goodness sake how is this a property industry related news item? It simply exploits a tenuous link to the property market for the purpose of salacious gossip. Property Industry Eye should be ashamed of assisting to spread the story. Let’s leave these people alone and go about our business.

  5. Diogenes

    I think comments should be closed as there is not really anything which could be constructive.

  6. Ric

    Scraping the barrel for news…

    Did you Google or Twitter search “Estate Agent” and this was the best you could find.

  7. ReportProfessor

    It’s not often I feel compelled to respond to story posted here on Property Industry Eye however in this instance, todays publication about the sacked agent after being caught in a lewd act has left me feeling angry and somewhat perplexed as to why this was even given space in today’s posts? 
    There are two sets of families that have been affected by this situation, but more importantly, children who are seeing the consequences of these two adults behaviour strewn across the internet for everybody to see and comment on. I fail to see, as a property industry media outlet, this is in any way in the public interest and equally, a good way to put the property sector further in the spotlight for people to comment on and speculate on and make the type of comments I’m already seeing across the internet. 
    To be honest with you, I’m beyond words as to why anybody thought this was a good idea, and I would implore you to remove the article and replace it with a retraction and apology to the families involved in the situation, because this was not of their making and they are suffering and that should have been at the foremost of PIE’s editorial decision making.
    Sent as an email too to the editorial team.

    1. AgentBen

      The media world is now driven almost completely by advertising revenue and volume of clicks. The number of comments and views on this is exactly why it was posted.
      Edit: almost twice the number of views as Purplebricks potentially selling up, on this site, that speaks volumes of why. 

  8. Andy Halstead

    This is not a news portal. Reminds me of News Of The World. Soon to be extinct.

  9. Whaley

    I haven’t seen the video but just think that Greggs marketing team has missed the mark there with product placement

  10. mattfaizey

    I thought there would be more tongue in cheek comments on this story.

  11. AcornsRNuts

    She was sacked (unfair dismissal case in progress?) but he carries on as normal.  That is not right.

    1. Rob Hailstone

      I don’t think anything will be ‘normal’ for him for a very very long time.

  12. Stuart

    At least it’s a bit different from the usual content on here !   C’mon people lighten up fgds…


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