Divorced, beheaded, died – here’s an everyday tale of ‘disruptive’ estate agents

Divorced, beheaded, died.

Divorced, beheaded, survived.

It’s the way to remember how many wives Henry the eighth had.

So, who are the winners and the losers in the battle of the online/hybrid agents? An interesting piece takes a look at the ‘six wives’ of proptech:  http://proptechconsult.com/2018/01/16/six-wives-proptech/

Clearly, the article suggests that for at least five of them, things didn’t go that well.

We can’t comment on the analysis, so let’s concentrate on the positive – the survivor.

Step forward Russell Quirk of Emoov.

The citation says: “Still in post as CEO and now backed with what appears to be a healthy war chest and experienced management team, Quirk has outlasted the rest of his peer group and Emoov remains the only business with any likelihood of reaching sustainability and achieving a meaningful exit.

“Quirk certainly appears to be the equivalent of Catherine Parr.”


We seem to remember that Catherine Parr did indeed survive marriage to ‘Enery, only to re-marry shortly afterwards and then die just one year later in the agonies of childbirth.

Now there’s a thought.


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  1. Chris Wood

    Zing! On form as usual Ed’

    1. JC7

      Love it! Although not that relevant to include Founders who have retired or walked away by their own volition. Maybe the article should focus more on what each of the founders have left in terms of shareholding, have made and stand to make, from what I’ve heard Quirky would be bottom of the list.

  2. RealAgent

    So following the Henry the Eighth analogy …..which one had Syphilis?




  3. AgentV

    Loved it Ed and James…..but would also love to hear your views of the remaining two. Also….are you up for new ideas, that are aimed at helping independents rather than competing against them, currently being developed in the proptech arena?

  4. Walker_McCoy

    I thought the new Russell Quirk was desperately attempting to be taken seriously in the industry and by the city.

    You really have to wonder how this went from a manic idea in his head to actually being Photoshopped, typed up and circulated.

    When a CEO doesn’t have the capacity to control their id, ego or excesses  they need someone with a level head, the ability and authority to say “No, you’re being an idiot”  clearly that’s a position that needs filling.


  5. garibaldi_red02

    …Anne Boleyn – a ‘disruptive’ dead wife who in giving birth to Elizabeth I transformed the ‘market’ of Queen of England and brought about 45 years of its domination 🙂

    1. Robert May

      Would one like some crackers with that cheese?

      If we’re stretching analogies to the limit how about  Henry’s flagship Mary Rose; set off full of troops and gusto, it capsized before it was ever a threat to the enemy and languished on the bottom before what could be salvaged was raised to get a better understanding of the catastrophic mistakes made. A case study in multiple failures; design, construction, tactics and strategy

      Why is Quirky wearing Henry’s clothes if he’s one of the wives, the one he’s suggesting became an old woman?


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