Can WhatsApp functionality boost business for agents?

A WhatsApp chat module added to an agent’s website can dramatically help them gain more business, according to Starberry.   

Ben Sellers, co-founder of the tech company, said that while the property sector has long been used to communicating with potential vendors and buyers in person or over the telephone, other methods of communication have grown in popularity, with many agents turning to WhatsApp to engage with customers who visit their websites.

He insists that live chat on websites and social media through platforms such as WhatsApp has transformed the way the customers contact the businesses they want to engage with. 

“Essentially, adding WhatsApp to their website allows agents to engage with visitors as the brand rather than as an individual,” Sellers said. “It also allows agents to communicate with potential customers via a channel they are comfortable using.

“Customers want personalised services, immediate answers and up-to-date information, which WhatsApp allows, especially when used in conjunction with an automated response service such as Yomdel [which] manages web chats [and] WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger messages that all get recorded into the dashboard and pushed back into your CRM.”

According to Sellers, WhatsApp can be added to an agent’s website as a ‘click and use’ icon. “By clicking on the icon, the customer will be connected to the right person when they are browsing the site,” he said. “This will ensure that the customer receives assistance right away and the agent will be able to directly engage with potential customers, ultimately increasing the chance of gaining more business. 

“With this tool, agents can build a direct relationship with website visitors, while having the added advantage of access to business analytics to see how they interact with messages,” Sellers added.


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  1. A W

    Just make sure you’re not in breach of GDPR when using WhatsApp.

  2. Anonymous Coward

    Short answer? Nope.

    But it might be able to help you connect with some customers…

    But keeping track of it, in the same way you do with emails, etc., via your current software?  That’s a whole new challenge.

    Call me cynical if you like but it’s just another way for yet more companies to cash in on your business without actually adding in something that you actually already have. Emails, texts & phonecalls work just fine thanks.


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