Backer of allAgents is jailed after death of pensioner

The backer of estate agency reviews site allAgents, letting agent and businessman Vincent Friel, has been jailed for three years.

He was sentenced yesterday after killing a grandmother and injuring her elderly companion on a pedestrian crossing.

Friel had claimed that he had blacked out behind the wheel of his Range Rover when it ploughed into the pair.

Friel, 44, was sentenced at the High Court in Glasgow, after a jury last month rejected his version of events and found him guilty of killing Carol Collins and seriously injuring her cousin, Margaret Haldane, by dangerous driving.

Judge Morris told Friel yesterday that he accepted that Friel was ‘devastated’ by the crash.

But the judge said: “No sentence will assuage the devastation felt by the family of the victim.”

Friel was also banned from driving for five years.

At allAgents, general manager Emma Sherwood yesterday said: “Vincent has been an active investor with allAgents and we are all saddened by the recent events.

“The thoughts of the team here at allAgents are with the families of all involved in this tragedy.

“I would like to assure everyone that we will be operating business as usual.

“I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the people, who have already been in touch with me, for their kind words of support.”

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  1. Herb

    Very sad news – 3 years is way too low for this horrible man and organisation

    1. seenitall

      How is this to do with his work?  Nothing.    What a strange post.


      1. Herb

        A dodgy website and the people behind it seenitall



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