Agents in Wales gear up for compulsory licensing

The 1,000th person has been trained as part of the compulsory registration and licensing system for landlords and agents in Wales.

Rent Smart Wales requires landlords and agents to attend training in order to get a licence.

All private landlords are required to register themselves and their properties with Rent Smart Wales.

Landlords and agents who let and manage property must by law get a licence.

To achieve this, applicants will make a declaration that they are ‘fit and proper’ to hold a licence, and they and their employees must undertake, and pass, approved training.

Landlords who prefer not to let and manage their own property must appoint a licensed agent to manage the property on their behalf.

Landlords and agents have until November 23 to comply with their new legal obligations, without fear of legal action.

Alison Whitehouse of AW Properties recently attended an agent training course in Swansea.

She said: “The course has been very enjoyable. We have all learned a lot, even people who have been in the industry for years. I think the licensing is a good idea as it narrows out rogue landlords and agents and gives the consumer a lot more protection.

“I think it will help the private rented sector by improving standards for tenants. I did a lot of reading up online about the legislation and then I contacted Rent Smart Wales to sign up for the course as soon as I was able to.”

Once they have completed their training, landlords and agents can complete their licence application, either online at or by completing a paper application.


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  1. seenitall

    There is always one  – enjoyable, learnt a lot even if been in industry for years.


    Most no doubt will say it was boring, waste of time, waste of money, more red tape.


    Agents have to belong to a regulatory body so if they fail in their duties the will get fined, this is yet another way of the Govt/local govt getting more money and their tentacles into business where they dont need to. But thats the whole drive of govt – self serving and self justifying.     Have they ever withdrawn their tentacles and claws when not needed, have they cut red/blue tape and made things more streemlined?      Self serving and self justifying.

  2. Woodentop

    I heard that the Cardiff council were under investigation over the fee being charged to agents at nearly £4,000 plus £100 per member of staff mandatory 1/2 day training (you can learn a lot in half a day …. I think not) and they would not recognise NEAE or ARLA qualifications. All this only to have a licence and register with no enforcement regime set up! Anyone heard anymore?

    1. Woodentop

      oops NAEA!

  3. LandlordsandLetting

    I cannot believe what I’m reading! ‘Rent Smart Wales requires landlords and agents to attend training…’

    I actually wrote a spoof article in my blog suggesting something close to this months ago…



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