Agent says that finding human excrement on its doorstep is ‘last straw’

A high street agent is considering relocating after an increase in anti-social behaviour.

Syringes, vomit, blood and human excrement have all been found on the doorstep of Martin & Co and in the car park just behind the premises in Derby.

Neighbouring high street units now stand empty.

Finance director Sian Turner said: “There’s a lack of resource, police, the council, everybody is at breaking point.”

Describing finding the poo at the entrance as the “last straw”, she said the neighbouring car park had become grim and unsafe.

The firm works regularly with an organisation that helps homeless people live in supported housing.

Managing director David KcKnight said that while such schemes can work well, there has been a noticeable increase in homelessness on the streets.

He said: “It’s got to the point where I think we are looking at our options.”

Does this sound like your office, your high street – or your dilemma? We’d be interested in your views.


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  1. Woodentop

    20 years ago we used to have a “tramp” rough it at night in one of our alcove side entrances. Never left a mess and sheltered him from the elements. The council decided it was unsightly to have these people visible in the town at night when most people would have been in bed! and brought out a town centre “enforcement zone” to stop them.


    Since then that alcove has been the local stopping point for vomit, urine, drug dealing as the pubs and clubs empty. The glass door has been smashed 4 times and now has bars fitted inside. Many shops get their windows smashed at some time or other. Where’s the town night bobby “To serve and protect” … a thing of the past century.

  2. GPL

    On a practical level ……extra lighting to illuminate dark areas which may help drive “unwanted behaviour” elsewhere, the addition/warning of CCTV and photograph the syringes or whatever and email/print & send to your local Police Office/Local Council …..every time it happens.

    ….advice from a former Police Officer (me) ……and waaaay back then, decades ago, there weren’t enough Police Officers either.

    Photo it/send it – it may help bring more attention to your particular problem.


    1. Woodentop

      Our light probably helps them find the vein and there are three street CCTV’s outside, one on either end of our building. Public have become to used to them or ‘on a high’, it doesn’t bother them anymore.

      1. GPL

        …..or Woodentop
        Lay a Wooden Frame around it ……and call it a Banksy! ……then sell it to the Highest Bidder

  3. smile please

    Well this is a s**t story 😉

    1. Eyereaderturnedposter12

      Imagine using human excrement as your last straw…


      …I bet his Daquiri tasted awful 😉

  4. PeeBee

    If it had straw in it then it’s most likely horsey doo-doo and not human.

    Hope that helps.


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