EYE NEWSFLASH: Rightmove scam alert – agents must ignore fake email

A scam email was sent out this morning to agents, allegedly from Rightmove User Manager.

Headed “Help us keep you safe online”, it asks the recipients to click on a “new feature that will allow you to sync your email account with your Rightmove user in order to bypass the code verification for a new sign in”.

Rightmove did NOT sent out this email.

Anyone who received this email should NOT click the link. The email itself should be binned.

A Rightmove spokesperson said: “We are communicating with all agents in case they received this.  This email is not from Rightmove.

“It is coming from a strange address, something we would always advise agents to check. We would also never send any emails from an address ending in rightmove.pro”

The scam email is below.


Email the story to a friend!


  1. PeeBee

    “A Rightmove spokesperson said: “We are communicating with all agents in case they received this…”

    Except so far they haven’t – poor show that EYE gets it to Members first!

    “We would also never send any emails from an address ending in rightmove.pro”

    You would also hope that their grammar was a wee bit more… English-based…

    1. Maxwell73

      Oh dear, someone’s tea has gone cold.
      Scam emails happen all the time, and if this particular one tried using Rightmove branding, it doesn’t make Rightmove responsible for it. As for the grammar, it was EYE that typed this out, and it’s really not that big a deal, is it?
      Lighten up. And most of all, don’t click on those links if you’ve received that email! Thanks for the heads up, EYE.

      1. PeeBee


        “Oh dear, someone’s tea has gone cold.”

        Not sure about anyone’s tea going cold – but your head’s well overdue for it’s weekly 5h!te, sunshine.

        “As for the grammar, it was EYE that typed this out, and it’s really not that big a deal, is it?”

        Try reading the bit in the article that states “The scam email is below”. Suggest you engage brain first or this will also sail waaaaay over the intended target.

        As for the rest of your post, maybe you’re narked that someone beat you to the monicker ‘AnotherPlanet365′ – but there are other numbers you could pick if you weally weally wanted the name that best describes your grasp on reality.

        1. Maxwell73

          I think this is worse than tea going cold. Why’s PeeBeePeeved? Pray tell us. Maybe we can help.

          1. PeeBee

            Peeved?  Not me, sunshine.

            Just stating the obvious.

            It’s my way of helping the hard of thinking.

            1. Maxwell73

              This, sunshine, is from, at the very least, a grumpy person:
              “A Rightmove spokesperson said: “We are communicating with all agents in case they received this…”
              Except so far they haven’t – poor show that EYE gets it to Members first!
              “We would also never send any emails from an address ending in rightmove.pro”
              You would also hope that their grammar was a wee bit more… English-based…

              1. PeeBee

                Your judgement today is clearly every bit as off-mark as usual.

                Best you leave it there.  I’d hate to actually start to get peeved with you.

                ;o) – there – a smiley – just for you.  Is that the action of a grump?


                1. Maxwell73

                  I’ll take the smiley any day. Thanks.

                  Here’s one for you: 🙂

    2. PeeBee

      Email has just landed.

  2. AnotherPlanet365

    Rightmove, Scam, Fake….. where is the Purplebricks angle in this story? I demand to know! 😉

    Yes PeeBee, Rightmove is like OnTheMarket – paying Members always the last to know!

    Or, as we say “Del Amitri”

  3. AnotherPlanet365

    It’a a funny thing…. or not, Spam. It makes good business sense that if a company is alerted, in this case RIghtmove to a Spam that it circulates a helpful warning to its Members…. however, that would be classed as being helpful in which case that is not a priority for Rightmove and similar. Whereas Rightmove Shareholders will have a cuppa made for them and politely served along with some Happy Shortbread…. which I will have paid for!

  4. Chris Wood

    As was pointed out to me yesterday and nudged by the Uber story this morning, does this mean @rightmove have suffered a data breach?

    1. PeeBee

      HELLUVA point, Chris!

      1. cyberduck46

        Why’s it helluva point? Is there a connection between Uber & Rightmove?


        Did Uber agents receive an email after the data breach? I didn’t see this reported.


        Did all Estate Agents who list with Rightmove even receive an email?


        Please elaborate. Trying to understand the thought processes going on here.



        1. PeeBee

          “Trying to understand the thought processes going on here.”

          Here’s a simple fix for your dilemma – don’t try.

          1. cyberduck46

            No dilemma.
            Just interested.
            So what’s the connection between Uber & Rightmove and why were you so excited about Chris’ point when you are usually so grumpy?

            1. PeeBee

              I never mentioned Uber – Chris did.

              1. cyberduck46

                Yes but your response “HELLUVA point, Chris” suggests you understood the point Chris was making.


                Is it really a helluva point or just innuendo and speculation?


                Just interested.



                1. PeeBee

                  I DO understand the point that Chris is making.

                  I’m now waiting for the answer.

  5. Mark Walker

    The 2 times I have noticed this happen from companies who have been hacked in the recent past were Yahoo and O2.  In each case there was a telltale email circular from said companies insisting on changing passwords and login methods, long, long before news broke of their being compromised.  In this instance, I have never used Uber so don’t know if they did the same.  In lieu of an actual security update, I would guess that they have not been compromised by this, though presumably individual members may have been targeted.


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