OnTheMarket: Half year results for the six months ending 31 July 2021

OnTheMarket plc, the majority agent-owned company which operates the OnTheMarket.com property portal, has announced that it will issue its interim results for the six months ended 31 July 2021 on Tuesday 12 October 2021. 

A virtual presentation for analysts will be held at 9am on the morning of 12 October 2021. Those seeking further information should contact OTM@tulchangroup.com.

The last financial update provided by OTM, in June, revealed that the firm made a profit for the first time.

OTM increased its revenues by 22% in the year ended 31st January 2021 and recorded a profit of £2.4m, up £11.6m on the previous year.

The portal said in June that it had made a positive start to FY22 with current trading in line with the Board’s expectations.

OnTheMarket post a profit for the first time


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