Zero-fee agency franchise network set to launch in USA and Canada

gLocalAgents has revealed plans to launch in the USA and Canada after reaching 50 agents in total in the first quarter of this year.

The recently launched mobile-based agency franchise network is operated by the same team behind online agent 99Home and offers agents zero fees and what it describes as the choice of remote, hybrid and high-street options.

The agency says that a number of its the new recruits are coming from well-known and established US based companies along with high street agents.

gLocalAgents predicts that by 2025, around 30% estate agents will opt for the self-employed model.

Niyati Luthra, head of operations at gLocalAgents, explained that the agency is also working on a cap system and referral scheme so agents can increase revenue.

Luthra said: “The gLocalAgents have complete freedom to charge their own fees from their clients with full support and access of the overall inhouse team at no cost, no monthly or yearly franchise or license fee and no area restrictions which means agents can gain business from any location globally.

“Agents from Spain, Portugal, Greece, Dubai, Ireland, UAE have joined the team as well and we are expecting to launch gLocalAgents in the USA and Canada mid next year.

“gLocalAgents is one of the transparent and fastest growing self-employment models in the United Kingdom.

“If you want to go the fastest, walk alone, but if you want to go the farthest, walk together.”




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One Comment

  1. Woodentop

    Not sure where they get the idea that 30% of agents will opt for self-employed model. Oh its another one of THOSE adverts. After a decade you would of thought that people would have learned by now that in the UK the business model does not work and more importantly the consumer isn’t interested and why much bigger operations on this same theme have failed time and again.


    ” ………… access of the overall inhouse team at no cost, no monthly or yearly franchise or license fee and no area restrictions……” . So they are doing it for free, then how do they stay in business?


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