Which UK cities have the most homes listed per agent?

Liverpool is currently the UK’s busiest city for estate agent activity, with an average of 21 listings per agent, according to property market analysis by GetAgent.

The comparison site analysed the number of current property listings across 25 major UK cities and calculated what the figures equate to in terms of listings per agent and found that, on average, the cities have 14 homes listed for every one agent.

With nearly 8,700 current listings and an average of 21%, Liverpool is the busiest city, but Bristol comes a close second with 19 homes currently listed for sale for every estate agent. Sheffield and Portsmouth are tied in third place with 18 – although Sheffield boasts more agents and more homes for sale in total.

Also ranking within the top ten are Leeds (17), Glasgow (16), Nottingham (15), Bournemouth (15), Cardiff (15) and London (15).

However, Swansea tops the table for the most competitive markets: on average there are just four homes listed for sale for every one estate agent in the city. Competition is also hot in Preston (eight) and Coventry, Bradford, Huddersfield and Stoke (all nine).

Mal McCallion, COO of GetAgent, commented: “The pandemic property market boom has ensured that estate agents up and down the nation have been extremely busy. However, like every aspect of the property market, market conditions are very much dictated by local influences and can differ drastically from one postcode to the next, let alone from city to city.

“This is no different when it comes to the number of estate agents in a given area and the level of stock they have to fight it out over. As our research shows, those listing in Liverpool are currently enjoying a very buoyant market, whereas it’s a far more competitive landscape in Swansea.”


Data Tables
Top 25 cities list based on populaton estimates and sourced from the Centre for Cities
Estimated number of estate agents in each city sourced from GetAgent
Number of listings in each city sourced from Rightmove and correct as of 01/11/2022
Location Est number of estate agents Est number of listings (including sstc) Number of listings per agent
Liverpool 423 8,672 21
Bristol 409 7,696 19
Sheffield 279 4,964 18
Portsmouth 136 2,411 18
Leeds 406 6,949 17
Glasgow 453 7,096 16
Nottingham 425 6,310 15
Bournemouth 229 3,385 15
Cardiff 252 3,714 15
London 4,521 65,879 15
Manchester 685 9,448 14
Birmingham 684 8,680 13
Edinburgh 266 3,352 13
Newcastle 267 3,350 13
Southampton 299 3,405 11
Middlesbrough 158 1,711 11
Leicester 390 4,176 11
Brighton 260 2640 10
Northampton 290 2,875 10
Stoke 233 2,203 9
Huddersfield 178 1,676 9
Bradford 285 2,616 9
Coventry 325 2,837 9
Preston 296 2,331 8
Swansea 181 808 4
Average 493 6,767 14



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