We’re in for a really good year, say optimistic estate agents

Agents are feeling positive about prospects for 2016, believing they are in for an especially good year.

They are predicting a rise in both stock levels and prices – plus an increase in rents.

Financial firm Accounts & Legal surveyed 115 agents across the UK and found overwhelming consensus.

Some 79.8% expect property prices to rise this year.

Furthermore, more than half expect price increases to be substantial, with 52.2% expecting prices to rise by at least 5% this year, and 12.8% forecasting price rises of more than 10%.

According to Land Registry data there are signs of a decline in the monthly number of transactions in London, but many agents do not expect this trend to continue or spread beyond the capital.

More than half of agents (55.3%) predict that the volume of available stock will rise during 2016, although it remains unclear whether this will translate into transactions.

Agents also predict an increase of rental prices during 2016; 79.4% of agents expect a rise, with only 8.1% expecting rental prices to decrease.

Of the agents surveyed, 30% were in London, with a further 26% in the south-east. The remaining 44% were spread across the other regions of England, Wales and Scotland. The sample represented a mix of corporates and independents.

The full report is here



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  1. Anonymous Coward

    115 agents out of 16,000 odd?

    That’s almost as conclusive as a shampoo advert!

  2. kadirayoob

    2016 was a good year for the real estate market. Ending 2017 so a small decline in the value of properties in Dubai, but 2018 looks to be better. With a lot of new projects being constructed, it is a good time to invest in homes right now.


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