Typo of the Week: And to be honest it’s not looking too beautiful . . .

It’s a lovely looking place, which came on the market only yesterday.

This three-bedroom cottage is available to rent, unfurnished, through Leaders.

It has an open fire, three bedrooms, a garden and parking.

And of course location is everything.

It’s in a beautiful village … although that’s not quite what it says.

Or at least it does now.




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  1. ArthurHouse02

    Funny as it is, such a shame that a case of fat fingers can change a word so dramatically. Proof reading training for Leaders staff it would seem, wonder how long it will remain before being corrected

  2. AgencyInsider

    Look up Ronnie Barker’s legendary Pismronunciation sketch which includes:

    Slopping at the Sloopermarket, for instance. Only last wonk, I approached the chuckout point, and I shooed the ghoul behind the crash desk the contents of my trilly, and she said ‘All right, granddad, shout ’em out.’ Well, of course, that’s fine for the ordinary man in the stoat who has no dribble with his wolds. For someone like myself, it’s worse than a kick in the jackstrop.

    “Sometimes, you get stuck on one letter, such as wubbleyou. And I said, ‘Well, I’ve got a tin of woup, a woucumber, two packets of wheese and a walliflower’. She tried to make fun of me and said, ‘That will be woo pounds, wifty-wee pence.’ So I just said ‘Wobblers!’ and walked out.



  3. Michael at Martin Co

    Let us hope they manage to let this with spelling mistakes and just two external photos before April with that EPC rating.

  4. DapperSnapper

    If you can’t check for errors on a portal listing, what other errors are being missed, possibly during a critical sale or rental process?

  5. NickTurner

    Well the village is in the UK.

  6. Richard Copus

    A property doesn’t “comprise of” it “comprises”.  (really boring  –  Happy Christmas!).


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