Tweet of the Week: And here’s Sarah Beeny’s hot tip for viewings in a heatwave

Tweet of the Week: And it’s some particularly insightful advice from TV presenter and Tepilo founder Sarah Beeny on the best way to conduct viewings in the hot weather.

We’re pretty sure you may not have thought of it, so, just in case you were thinking of closing the windows and drawing the curtains as the temperatures soar around 30 degrees, we’re happy to pass on the tip.


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  1. Shaun77

    She forgot to mention turning off the central heating. Silly old Sarah…

  2. PeeBee

    Oh – but the 900kw log-burner gives off such a welcoming glow…

  3. lee10c

    Unless you live on a busy High Road…

  4. Peter

    Get the BBQ going and supply viewers with your burnt offerings and refreshingly cool beverage.

  5. P-Daddy

    Or brick up the windows as they are creating the heat gain inside, and will keep the house warm in the winter and keep teenagers out of the way of the public …simples 🙂

  6. smile please

    Make sure you do not wear your three quarter length coat, nothing worse than a sweaty estate agent.

  7. TOZ4

    who gives a **** what Beeny thinks!

    Online agent Tepilo ended its last financial year with a loss of almost £2.3m and owing nearly £5m to creditors, with amounts due within 12 months.


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