Top 40 EA Innovations of the Year

The Top 40 EA Innovations of the year will be revealed at this year’s EA Masters on 21 September. There is still time to submit entries to the competition by submitting a five minute (or less) video entry.

Customers are also invited to vote for their favourite innovation via video or text making the process quicker and easier.

Simon Whale from Kerfuffle said: “The key element for me and one of the ways we’re going to be judging who deserves inclusion is to let the people who matter most, aka the clients tell us in their own words why this innovation stands out for them and crucially how it’s helped them.”

The top 40 EA innovations will also be compiled into a guide featuring on the Kerfuffle website, which will be split into 4 streams Leadership, Marketing 2x profit and Masterclass to make it more digestible.

Sarah Kemp, event director, EA Masters, commented: “We’re thrilled that Kerfuffle is supporting the EA Masters with both the Best EA Supplier Awards and the Top 40 EA Innovations of the year. The theme of this year’s event is ‘a new era’. You only have to look at the range and pace of supply-side activity over the past 12 months to realise that we are in a new era of estate agency.

“These awards help to highlight some of the most important  products and services that have been launched over the past 12 months and we look forward to seeing who tops the list at The EA Masters on 21st September.”

Voting for both the Top 40 EA Innovations of the Year and the Best EA Supplier Awards closes on 19 August. You can vote below.

To submit an entry to be considered for the Top 40 EA Innovations of the year click here.


Property Industry Eye is the official Industry News Partner of EA Masters.


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