That was the Week that was! The stories that have gripped you

It’s been another hectic week for the industry with portal disputes and debates over the EU referendum dominating the news agenda.

First: Portal wars

A new clash emerged between Zoopla and On the Market.

Zoopla has complained to the Advertising Standards Authority about OnTheMarket over an email sent to a prospective member last September.

The message said OTM was closing the gap on Zoopla.

However, the challenge was not upheld.

A spokesperson for the Advertising Standards Authority said: “ provided their written assurance that they would not make similar claims without substantiating them with adequate and up-to-date evidence, and in the case of comparative claims, they would ensure that they included means by which consumers could verify those comparisons.

“Furthermore, they informed us that they were no longer making such claims in their advertising.”

The news got EYE readers talking.

Robert May said: “The game is well and truly up when you have to go crying to the teacher about an email.

“I’m sat here trying to comprehend the genius thought process that didn’t consider how an at best pathetic complaint to ASA would be interpreted.

“Looking a bit sheepish will informally resolve most complaints to ASA so I can’t think how this would  have ever helped the relationship with agents Zoopla have already lost to OTM but worse still for Zoopla how  a direct attack would be received by agents mutual to Zoopla and OTM.

“If this an open declaration of war on OTM and the more fervent OTM supporters will have no trouble convincing agents it is then it is short sighted,  if it was naive enthusiasm; we’ve got grounds to complain, let’s complain, then someone really ought to question the thinking of people making such poor judgement calls.”

MissCharlottep13 was more supportive. She said: “Fair play to Zoopla for fighting back.

“From the beginning what OTM did was unfair to competition. If they thought they could do better than the top two portals, why create the “1 other portal” rule? Why hike their prices? Why threaten court action to their own agents?

“It’s about time the industry embraced a bit of healthy competition, implemented in a friendly way.

“If an competitor agency acted in the same manner I know I’d have something to say about it like Zoopla have done.”

Second: 65%

That is the number of agents and mortgage brokers that are backing a Brexit.

The findings from a My Home Move survey strongly suggests that agents will vote to leave the European Union.

The same survey does however say that the home moving public is much less decided with 53% unsure as to which way to vote.

It marked a week of news where it was hard to turn around without knocking into a story about the EU referendum.

Industry veteran Nick Leeming told a housing debate in London that a Brexit would hit confidence and affordability in the property market,

EYE takes a balanced view on Brexit and doesn’t wish to influence readers on how to vote.

Many of the comments so far seem to back a Brexit. Woodentop said: “The UK government is a business, a very complicated and political business. But just like any business it will only succeed if it is in control, give that control to someone else and you get the mess we have with the EU parliament. It all went pair shaped when member states started the political control process of other nations. It was intended to be a common market for trade and the EU is not fit for purpose in its current state.”

Agencyinsider said: “In the 1970s referendum we were told we were voting to join an economic union. Not a political union. I expect many will vote ‘Out’ simply because they are still angry at having been so grievously lied to by Ted Heath et al.

For those born after we joined the EU the status quo will be their choice as they have known nothing else and will not have a clue at just how much detrimental effect the EU has had upon our daily lives – nor how much its malign influence will increase as the years go on.

But there were some readers happy to back the Remain side.

PropertyPaddy said: “Did your grandparents really go through two world wars so we have all the freedoms we enjoy to go back to the “good old ways” ?

“We are not just part of Europe we are on a global stage we interact, live and trade with Europeans, Turks, Africans and even Americans.

“Don’t think leaving Europe will change any of that, just make it a whole lot harder to do business, improve our quality of life and technology.

“Leaving the EU is not a realistic option.”


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