The parole board has refused to release murderer and serial rapist John Cannan, who is also the prime suspect in the unsolved murder of estate agent Suzy Lamplugh.
Cannan, jailed for life in 1989 for raping and murdering Bristol newlywed Shirley Banks, 29, was convicted of a further sexual offence, an attempted kidnapping and two offences of abduction with intent to engage in unlawful sexual intercourse at the same trial.
In 2002 police took the highly unusual step of naming Cannan as the man who killed Suzy after the Crown Prosecution Service ruled there was insufficient evidence to prosecute him. Cannan denies any involvement in her disappearance.
Lamplugh went missing aged 25 in 1986 after going to meet a man called “Mr Kipper” to show him a house in Fulham, South West London. Cannan is said to have used the name Kipper in jail and resembles a photofit of a man seen with the estate agent on the day she vanished.
He has been interviewed about Lamplugh on several occasions but has always denied involvement to the police.
Police believe they presented a “strong circumstantial” case to the CPS but the decision not to prosecute followed a review by specialists at the Treasury Counsel.
Evidence linking the killer to Lamplugh’s murder was included in a dossier for the Parole Board to consider.
Assessing risk factors involved in his offending, the panel said: “Mr Cannan evidenced feelings of anger and suspicion, struggled to manage extreme emotions and had a distorted perception of appropriate sexual boundaries.
“He had demonstrated a need for power and control, and had held a derogatory attitude towards women.”
Announcing their decision, the panel concluded: “After considering the circumstances of his offending, the progress made while in custody and the evidence presented at the hearing, the panel was not satisfied that release at this point would be safe for the protection of the public.
“Nor did the panel recommend to the Secretary of State that Mr Cannan should be transferred to an open prison.
“Mr Cannan will be eligible for another parole review in due course.”
Always a sad reminder, as the darker nights draw in, to ensure staff have code words and protocols in place for safety and security before and during viewings. Of course this poor lady did not have the benefit of a trackable Iphone and instant messaging as we do today. Tragic. Such a shame that our CPS deemed the fact that millions-to-one DNA evidence of the accused borrowed vehicle containing both his and her DNA (along with methods that were in keeping with his other identified crimes) did not reach the bar for prosecution. The police named him (and rightly so) as this suspect/case more than passed the duck test.
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