Spreading seasonal cheer – agency branches get the decorations out

Yesterday, within minutes of us publishing the request for agencies to send in photos of their festively decorated branches, Carl Watts, the MD of Brown & Cockerill in Rugby, showed us what his firm has done.

Well done to Carl and his team for being so quick off the mark!



Something very different arrived from Surbiton agency, Humphrey and Brand who tell us that they used a firm called ‘Snow Windows’ to create their striking festive display

From the Fine & Country team in Turnham Green Terrace, Chiswick, came this wonderfully eye-catching image:


Send images of your branches to: news@propertyindustryeye.com


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One Comment

  1. scruffy

    Whilst I acknowledge we are on the cusp of the Christmas month, my staff are well aware of my views on the subject. i.e. that Christmas and all things related to it should be confined to December. Indeed mention of the C-word in our offices before 1st December incurs a fine that goes towards our Christmas drinks get-together.

    That said, our local town council organise a Christmas Shop/Office-front decoration competition that is judged before the end of November that rather scuppers my “evil” plan, as my staff see it. Funding ever more elaborate window dressings gets me scowling like Scrooge just as I am getting over the Halloween and Black Friday shenanigans.

    For me December is marked by stupid jumpers, secret Santas and endless Celebration and Quality Street boxes to graze through (and trying to beat everyone else to the purple ones) as supermarket Christmas decorations enter their third month. Sometimes there is also a little business to be done, but there’s usually time to prepare for the post-holiday surge when relationships have broken down from forced captivity in front of seasonal TV repeats and Xmas specials.

    Seasons Greetings to one and all !



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