Spicerhaart’s latest recruitment programme has provoked a mixed response from former employees.
The company is currently looking to take on 15 new trainee customer service agents at its Colchester headquarters, under the government’s new Kickstart scheme.
Spicerhaart has developed a learning programme to help recruits under the age of 25 learn a range of new skills.
Group chief executive Paul Smith said: “We see this is a fantastic opportunity to bring young people into the profession who are motivated, enthusiastic and hungry for success.
“The six-month government-supported programme will be a stepping stone to further career development and qualifications within the Spicerhaart group.”
But the recruitment announcement by the company, which was reported by the local press, prompted a backlash from some of those that previously worked for the firm.
Alex Alvarez Hayes said: “Was hired through an agency, worked there for one day where they had me literally delete emails. Fired the next day, on my way to work. Tbh I’m glad, it was an awful atmosphere. The job I have now saving lives cannot compare. This company is pure poison. There are better jobs out there where everyone would be a lot more appreciated for the work they do.”
The spokesperson told EYE: “We are obviously disappointed to read a small number of negative comments on social media about working in our call centre as we have many people who tell us how much they love working here. However, we know it’s not for everyone as it involves excellent inter-personal skills and communicating with the public, many of whom are concerned about their house move during the pandemic. The challenges have been felt more acutely as many of our team members have been working from home and not experiencing the team spirit and support that comes with working collaboratively in the same environment.
“Let’s keep this in context. There are very few businesses of our size that don’t have some disgruntled staff members and we know that people are more likely to use social media to air negative views not positive ones. We know there are many people who do want to work in our call centre – having had over 1,000 applicants in just three days for the roles we are advertising as we are expanding our team, plus we have received hundreds of applications for our vacancies on the Kickstart scheme.”
Hardly surprising the negative comments it’s a fact it is a revolving door full of scandal.
The guy that people refer to on here as ‘Barry Evans’ actually does behaviour scores and observations on people and is clueless on the modern workplace which explains all the comments above. Never has an agency faced such mass anger from employees don’t know why P I E allow them to do articles.
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It’s unfortunate in the world we live in today that negatively comes through louder than the positives due to social platforms. Happy people rarely post praise because they have no need or desire to shout out so I am glad that some have felt strongly enough to post their own stories in the original thread. Those that have worked in any of our contact centre areas have a demanding role supporting the needs of tenancy repairs or customer enquiries call after call, and like most contact centres. It is however a great place for many to learn, gain experience and move into other opportunities, whether central or branch based, accepting that the last 12 months have been a very different way of working for the teams.
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Good to see Spicerhaart giving one of the ”Kickstart” apprentices a shot at being spokesperson…
“We are obviously disappointed to read a small number of negative comments on social media about working in our call centre as we have many people who tell us how much they love working here. However, we know it’s not for everyone as it involves excellent inter-personal skills and communicating with the public, many of whom are concerned about their house move during the pandemic.”*
Read:* ”Well, the ones that say our call centre is awful, were rubbish anyway.”
On a serious note, it seems that Spicerhaart’s approach to PR (as well as PS himself [take your pick of any article PS has written for PIE]), is to take a ‘dig’ at anyone who doesn’t extol the virtues of working at or operating like, Spicerhaart.
The underlying puerility of SH’s press releases, always amazes.
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The irony of ‘the world we live in today’ comment from a business that has zero BAME persons in its senior team or women
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When will it all end. Had my 2nd interview wIth the Lettings director. Had to drive nearly 2 hours to meet him in Medway and wow the experience. Albert Steptoe lookalike, reeked so badly of fags he must have eaten a double ashtray on toast for breakfast. To cap it all off, I had to do a role play on how to sell his coffee cup. Must have impressed him though, as got the job
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Let’s hope the Lettings Director doesn’t read PIE!
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This comment is so funny and most people there will know exactly who!
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Does no-one read reviews before applying for a job? https://www.glassdoor.co.uk/Reviews/Spicerhaart-Reviews-E762766.htm
These are shockingly bad.
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