UK Property News, produced by the National Landlord Investment Show and LIS Media, returns with Episode 2, answering landlords’ key questions about the Renters’ Rights Bill, a crucial topic shaping the UK rental market following on from its debut first episode – see below.
Hosted by journalist and broadcaster Ian Collins, the episode features expert insights from Suzanne Smith, founder of The Independent Landlord, and Marie Parris, founder of George Ellis Property Services.
Episode two seeks to provide property professionals with the latest updates, expert opinions, and actionable advice – diving deep into landlords’ biggest questions on the Renters’ Rights Bill, including:
How will the Renters’ Rights Bill impact landlords on a day-to-day basis?
When will we get clarity on what’s in the bill?
Should landlords consider selling their properties?
What landlords and property investors should consider when choosing an agency?
Landlords are already selling up.
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