Russell Quirk hits out at government initiative as ‘attempt to grab headlines’

eMoov boss Russell Quirk has been scathing about a new government initiative.

He spoke out in the context of the Government releasing a £3m fund to support the delivery of 14 of those things they used to call “estates” or “developments”, but which have been rebranded to lovely-sounding “garden villages”.

Quirk said that the amount was so small as to be “akin to knocking the cost of Phil Hammond’s milk bill off the national debt”.

Quirk described the initiative as “an attempt to grab headlines”.

Just thought we’d mention it.



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  1. Simon Bradbury

    Lol – as the kids say!

    3 Words – Kettle..Black…Pot

  2. AgencyInsider

    Ah Russell, you do provide us with such festive cheer. What is that religious saying? ‘Before you criticise the speck in my eye, take the plank out of yours’

  3. proagent54

    Russell who?

    1. Robert May

      Think Eddy the eagle or Eric the eel but for agency. Tries hard, puts on a good show, but …….


  4. PeeBee

    Look – it’s gotta be right.

    There is no-one… and I mean NO-ONE, more eminently qualified to call the ball on this one.

  5. P-Daddy

    He has point everyone…£3m set aside to help deliver 48,000 homes between Cornwall and Cumbria! Originally £6m was earmarked…that’s £62.50 per house. 🙂

    1. PeeBee

      And £125 per property was somehow better, P-Daddy??


  6. Property Paddy

    Anyone remember the milk souring on the radiator in school?

    Ah those were the days, where men were men (ish), cowboys on the TV and politicians hadn’t started meddling with the property market.

    Not often you see cowboys and politicians oh and estate agents in one sentence !!


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