Last week, Oliver Paterson, a director of Mansell McTaggart in Billingshurst, West Sussex, wanted his firm to show its appreciation for the work being done by the NHS in the Covid crisis.
So the 17 branch firm added a thank you message as an image on each of its Rightmove listings.
Last Friday Paterson received an unexpected phone call from Rightmove director, Paul Scott.
He was told that a complaint about the image had been received from another firm of agents in the area and that Mansell McTaggart would have to remove it from all listings.
Somewhat shocked, Paterson told Scott that many other agents, up and down the country, are doing something similar and he could not believe that a rival would complain about the message.
He asked for an explanation of the breach of terms but this was not forthcoming and a subsequent email request to Rightmove went unanswered.
Paterson then took to Facebook, tagging the post with #saynotorightmove.
Readers’ comments to the posting included:
“The world was mad before the pandemic, now it’s just proper mad!”
“They should be thanking the NHS too just like the whole nation is!!”
“I can’t say I’m surprised…did they inform you about any price increases whilst they were on the phone”
Paterson also contacted EYE and in turn we contacted Rightmove.
On Sunday morning, relenting from their previous position, the portal said:
“In usual circumstances the images on listings need to show the property itself, but right now if agents want to show their appreciation for the amazing work the NHS is doing they can do so.
“We’re also running a series of stories on Rightmove to let home hunters know of ways agents are helping in their local community or as NHS volunteers.”
Paterson was pleased to hear of the change of heart.
He told us:
“It’s good news that they have taken a view.”
The cold heart that beats at the centre of Rightmove is shamed into allowing it’s client to display a warm hearted gesture.
Shame on Rightmove yet again.
Well done Mansell McTaggart.
Is it time for the RM CEO to go?
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I took all my properties down and left image stating we were not encouraging viewings until after lock down when they would be uploaded again. This has upset someone locally!!
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I bet your vendors are chuffed to bits!
Plenty of people are looking at Rightmove, even if they can’t view?
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Rightmove again showing how out of touch they are.
Have these dinosaurs had their day?
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Just shows what a cold hearted corporate they are.
Fake “rules” only enforced because a jealous competitor complains.
This does beg the question, why would a director ring? Have all the staff been furloughed?
I’m afraid to say Rightmove have really misread the whole national situation in the last two months. So obsessed by profit and shareholder dividends that they have lost the dressing room.
Now is certainly the time to get behind “say no to Rightmove” and join OTM, if you haven’t already. Actions speak loud than words
RM. Your time is up.
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OTM are not any better. The way they have treated agents is far worse.
Just imagine if they get to critical mass …. people would be begging for RM to come back.
No idea what the answer is but its sure as heck not OTM.
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Do you use Zoopla? Surely now Spring-it has gone things will change?
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On all three.
Sprignett was only part the problem with OTM the issues run a lot deeper.
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Yes Rightmove have Furloughed 50% of their sales team.
It is obvious that their balance sheet of several millions in the bank could not afford to keep on their small payroll and have therefore Furloughed the staff.
I though that you had to have been affected detrimentally directly to the COVID-19? Rightmove could exist for years and cover all their liabilities, according to their most recent balance sheet and financials.
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Mark, if true, this is an outrage and in my opinion tantamount to fraud.
If true, its another example of their shocking decision making and greedy leadership.
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according to our rep yes true! Their admin staff and Office HQ staff all furloughed too.
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I think I’d be more interested in knowing who the other agent was. Miserable beggars!
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Billingshurst is a small town, pop on RM i bet you can guess.
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3 agents in total, so it’s one or the other! And note they ALL have microsites.
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Once again RM get it comprehensively wrong.
What they will get right however, is the calculation on the huge bills they will send when this is over.
Be warned. Remember the tin man in the Wizard of OZ? He had no heart . Nor do RM
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Reichmove are simply disgraceful. Shame on them as they continue to demonstrate how they even despise the hands that feed them. No1 because of us and probably staying there because we cant manage collective thinking.
We should leave and join OTM. We then manage our costs and isolate and diminish purplepricks who cant advertise there.
High street agents win win.
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What if this story is even worse for RM than shown here? What if there was no complaint and it was just RM flexing its control muscles? Just two phone calls – to the other agents in town – could clear this up. Did RM speak to the other firm (non-complainant) in town to see if they were offended? If both firms objected, fair enough, ask the other firm to pull the images.
19000 advertisers and in the middle of a pandemic, this – as fishy as Grimsby Docks IMHO.
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Another Wrongmove.
This shower make Ratner look like a PR genius
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I bet Property Pundit #14 above is right.
Why on earth would another agent complain. There is nothing to be gained. I would be worried that I might be named and shamed over such a mean spirited complaint
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Rightmove – whatever way you spell it
….it reads D I C T A T O R S H I P
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We (the industry) have bred the beast since day one.
It is a very good product that the user really likes. When no one could compete with it, in the early days, we the agents used it as it was easier than developing our own web presence.
It has become this cold and heartless entity with inevitable new must have products for the agents and also really good supplemental support that ironically teaches us how to feed of each other. We the agents are at fault for allowing such a beast and it is only now that there has ever been a tremendous opportunity to leave Rightmove.
The industry collectively has never supported itself and rarely combines opinions to support each other.
If everyone turned off Rightmove, they would have to reconsider their position and i think they would then be forced to re-introduce different charge rates to all users per branch.
ON the market is a very good site, llike Rightmove was in its early days. The consumer wants to see properties as qucikly as they can swipe up.
Zoopla has a great site too!” Too busy for my liking but none the less offeres a very rich experience covering all aspects to the potential move, area, etc etc.
Rightmove has a great balance between the two but for me is loosing the plot when trying to justify its prices and its increases. Its pure Greed and morally wrong.
From the Users point of view they coudlnt really give a monkeys banana!
At the end of the day, if the industry worked together then we could better communicate with Rightmove our feelings.
If every Propertymark agent turned off Rightmove, that would be a significant weake up call for Rightmove to do the right thing!
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RM haven’t recently appointed Donald Trump to their Board have they? Seeing quite a few similarities to their PR strategy!
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Perhaps a way around this – we’ve been adding rainbows to agent photos as a freebie in return for a donation to the homeless charity Crisis. We’ve added over 3,500 rainbows since last Monday…Just fire them across to our studio if you want, and we’ll turn them around for you
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Great work Tom,
But I’m afraid to say CRISIS seem to spend a great deal of their money taking Estate Agents to court…. or is that Shelter?
I don’t do rentals, but my mate who does says that one of the “homeless charities” spends a great deal of money fighting agents and evictions.
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Cheers Jonny. I wasn’t aware of this but even so, I doubt it’s top of their agenda at the moment. We’re raising money for them because of their work during the covid crisis; creating care packages & temporarily housing the homeless – you can read more on their site (sorry PIE won’t let me post a hyperlink)…!
There’s no obligation to donate in exchange for the rainbows but most agents have… we’ve had confirmation from just over 200 agents that they have.
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