New pledge to ban Section 21 evictions as renters promised three-year tenancies under proposals

Sir Ed Davey

Renters would by default get three-year tenancies in new agreements under plans in the Liberal Democrats’ manifesto.

Party leader Sir Ed Davey pledged a “fair deal for renters” as he outlined the Lib Dems’ proposals for government yesterday.

They also include a ban on Section 21 evictions and a national register of licensed landlords.

Sir Ed said: “Across the country, thousands of renters are at risk of losing their homes at the mercy of exploitative no-fault evictions.

“The Conservatives promised to implement a ban back in 2019, but after five years of infighting, they have failed to honour that commitment.

“That is why Liberal Democrats today are announcing our fair deal for renters.”

He pointed out that more than 21,000 renters had faced a Section 21 eviction notice since Theresa May first pledged to outlaw them in 2019.

Meanwhile, Sir Ed, who unveiled his party’s manifesto yesterday, stressed that the Lib Dems would fund a £9.4bn package for the NHS and social care in England by increasing taxes for banks and closing loopholes used by the very wealthy.

The Tories will set out their election pledges today, while other major political parties are expected to follow suit within days.


Lib Dem manifesto – industry responds to key housing policies



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  1. skipdale

    I was concerned when I saw this headline. Then I read which party it was.

  2. Isa B Agent

    I am surprised the Lib Dems are still going. Bless them.

    Bored of playing with their train sets, getting together for tea, buns and log flumes is a relatively harmless pastime, given they have absolutely no chance of ever being in Government.

  3. CountryLass

    Um, what happens if a tenant doesn’t want a 3 year agreement? Or its an insurance company looking for a 6 month rental whilst someone’s home has work done that cannot be done with them living there? Student rentals? This will have a really bad impact on the …

    It’s Lib Dems.
    Never mind…

    1. Katrinrin

      I’m a renter… and in 15 years I’ve had one s21. I had a security camera in my home, not fitted. My landlady didn’t like the camera because she wanted Freedom to come and go in the property!

      Anyway, I do agree to limits on s21 because they have been used to evict good tenants just to raise rents. However, I absolutely do not want a 3 year tenancy on something because equally I want the freedom to move on as much as the landlord wants to be able to sell if they should so desire.

  4. AcornsRNuts

    Limp Dums, always good for a laugh. Has Ed Davey appeared before the Post Office inquiry yet?


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