Red tape cut for conversion of unused farm buildings into homes

New permitted development (PD) rights for unused farm buildings have come into effect this week, allowing them to be converted into new homes without the need for a planning application.

The new regulation also allows for conversion into shops, cafés and sports facilities and more.

The changes form part of the government’s Long-term Plan for Housing, announced last July. According to government figures, just 5,000 homes have been delivered on farming land since April 2014. The proposals intend to increase both the number of homes and the number of job opportunities.

Furthermore, farms may now expand the number and size of buildings on site, again without the need for a planning application. 

The size limit for new farm buildings erected under agricultural development PD rights on farms over 5 hectares has increased by 500sqm to 1500sqm, and for farms under 5 hectares by 250sqm to 1250sqm. 

The volume allowance for extensions may also increase to 25% (from 20%) without the need for prior approval.

Commenting on the new regulations, Aidan Van de Weyer, senior planner at Lanpro, said: “These reforms are very welcome as they bring greater flexibility to the use of rural buildings. 

“By bringing in new residents and supporting local businesses, conversions of rural buildings – those which are currently not suitable for modern farming operations – will support the long-term vitality of countryside communities.”

Rachel Hallos, National Farmers’ Union vice president, said the law change would “greatly support the modernisation, expansion and diversification of farms across the country”.

She added: “These changes are essential opportunities for farmers who wish to diversify their business, allowing them alternative streams of income and the ability to further support their local rural economy.”


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  1. BillyTheFish

    Hmmm, I can see this suiting wealthy Londoners looking for a weekend retreat and in turn pushing up the price of land even more.
    Sureley this Govt wouldn’t do such a thing which only benefits the top few % whilst overlooking the housing crisis affecting the general population? Never

  2. AcornsRNuts

    Has Michael Gove bought a farm recently?>


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