Purplebricks sails into attack on high street agents again

Employees who are trying to move house are spending over two hours each working day on the transactions – and are costing their bosses thousands of pounds.

The claim comes from newcomer Purplebricks, which blames “rigid traditional high-street estate agents only operating from 9am to 6pm, leaving the seller and buyers with little other option than to take time out during their working day”.

The business, backed by ex-Capita boss Paul Pindar and run by Michael and Kenny Bruce, claims that an average transaction takes four months, during which an average of 13 working days “per employee” are lost.

Purplebricks, which uses a call centre in Southend, bills itself as the UK’s first 24/7 estate agency.

Chief executive Michael Bruce said: “The traditional estate agency model is significantly flawed. They insist that the public comply with their working hours; however, we now live in a 24/7 society and estate agency is one of the only services that does not reflect this.

“It is unfortunate that people have little choice but to conduct their property sale, search and purchase during working hours, and it is a shame that customers are inconvenienced and British businesses are impacted as a consequence of this outdated model.”

Meanwhile, Purplebricks.com is advertising £60,000 to £80,000 a year for a ‘local property expert’ to become part of a “game changing organisation”.

The job description for a post in Andover, Hampshire, says applicants should be driven by results and be open to new ideas.

The advert does not give any figure for a basic salary, only the OTE, which appears to be much higher than the industry average.

Eye’s spies tell us that the going rate for a manager in an out-of-London agency is probably based on a £20,000 to £25,000 basic, which could double with commission achieved on lettings and sales.

Purplebricks does not have a no sale, no fee, structure and it takes its money (£599 for a sales listing) upfront.

This therefore suggests that a local property expert’s main task would be to bring in the listings – perhaps 100 to earn £60,000 and 133 to earn £80,000.

What would be interesting to know, and the ad doesn’t say, is whether any commission at all is payable on a property being sold.

Otherwise, say our spies, it is hard to think what the incentive could be for someone who will be working as a one-man band in their area to actually make sales.

What are your thoughts?

The job is described here.


The claims about lost working time are here:



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  1. shocking

    The Bruce Brothers are at it again. They couldn't make it work after buying Burchell Edwards in the Midlands and now they are making a pigs ear of this too, idiots.

  2. Paul H

    Have you seen the 'about us' page….they've got endless amounts if directors about 6 developers and even a 'head of customer experience'.
    The more you read it the more you realise that the whole thing is a mistake.
    I won't be investing I'm out.

  3. Mark Reynolds

    I don't have a problem with ventures such as this starting up but what I do have a problem with is that they are implying that high street agents are not ethical or transparent.

    I agree there are some sharp practices that have gone on, not by me I hasten to add, but writing things such as this are as bad as what they they are implying.


    Apparently your "Property Expert" is available 24/7 – No wonder they are offering such a high pay scale!

    I used to work nights so maybe I'll try to get hold of the expert at 3am and see if they answer their phone!

    My biggest gripe with their website is they are constantly implying agents are not honest or up front. Taken from their comparison chart

    Honest, open and straightforward – no conflict of interest

    Not really endearing themselves are they?

    1. Paul H

      "Not really endearing themselves are they?"…Like most other online agents Mark, it is the only way to differentiate themselves and win business, only difference is that Purplebricks have thrown more money at and therefore and have a lot more to lose.

  4. surreymac

    Negative sell your competition to try and gain market share. How novel. if the model had any legs they would be selling the benefits of Purple bricks. Lets see the impact on transaction times when clients have to do everything themselves. I do also wish that UK agents would realise that they charge the lowest fee percentage in the developed world and stop apologising for charging an insulting 1 and bit percent.

    1. Paul H

      "If the model had any legs they would be selling the benefits of Purple bricks"….
      It is precisely the same service as Housenetwork, emoov etc, no difference at all. They are trying to pull the wool over people eyes with their silly USP's such as being open 24/7 and this eZie system.
      This is no light bulb moment. It's a con.

      1. Mark Reynolds

        Absolutely! – Also is it me or is it just a platform to advertise on other portals such as rightmove and zoopla etc? i would have thought that is they are doing regional and national advertising on TV, they would want properties advertised on the website – Especially for the money they charge 😉

        1. Paul H

          Yep it's just a platform to Zoopla and rightmove.
          I bet all the other online agents are upset that purplebricks have stolen their idea;-)

  5. holargos

    Michael Bruce needs to be very careful about making sweeping statements with regard to the rigidity of estate agency working hours. I have always made it company policy to ensure that vendors, applicants or for that matter anybody else who wishes to discuss work related matters outside normal working hours are able to do so. Get your facts straight!

  6. Paull

    It does not matter one bit how great your website is, what is does, what it can do etc, at the end of the day sellers using this route will pay the cheapest! All they want is to be on the portals, so £199 or £599? These online agents remind me of carbooters lol.

  7. wilko

    I have just sent a letter of complaint to the NAEA, RICS, Trading standards, advertising standards,Zoopla and Rightmove
    The first two are a bit toothless when it comes to these types of things but the naea need to ban them.
    Trading standards & Advertising standards , we ALL need to write to them…I know for a fact that they input complaints into their databases and if they get enough complaints about an online company accross the country, then they will investigate.
    Like I've said before I'm not against them having a go at building a business, but not built on lies!

    1. Paul H

      Well said Wilko and your right they are taking people's money based on down right lies.

      1. Paull

        They probably are taking no money with those upfront fees.

  8. MF

    "They insist that the public comply with their working hours; however, we now live in a 24/7 society and estate agency is one of the only services that does not reflect this"

    My local GP must be the other. Oh, and my solicitor is a complete pain for not being available at 8 pm. And don't even get me started on my dentist…. he closes at 5.30 pm!!!! I have to take time off from work to see all these people and I'm fed up with it – especially as I have to make up that time later in the day/week.

    1. wilko

      Agreed, I was really miffed that the local childrens soft play centre was closed at 3.00am as my kids couldn't sleep last night.

  9. JAM01

    Yep – so with Purplebricks, their conveyancers are working out of normal working hours are they, calling up other conveyancers who are……oh, they are at home.



  10. JTS

    They are asking for commissions to be paid upfront, once this is paid what is the incentive for the company to actually let or sell the property?

    1. Paull

      Well probably the MASSIVE fees to RM and soon Z every month.

    2. wilko

      Seekers failed back in the 80's /90's because they didn't actually SELL property….they just took them on (£99 upfront if my memory serves me right?)

  11. wilko

    Not wishing to start up another AM thread but I do think that if the branding of their website and the TV advertising highlights the professional side of the industry it could work really well against the "upfront online" brigade….stuff on the tv ads like, you wont find any Purple P****s on our site just REAL PROPERTY from REAL AGENTS with service from REAL PEOPLE.

  12. PeeBee

    "…rigid traditional high-street estate agents only operating from 9am to 6pm…"
    Hmmm… so here I am ten minutes past what is supposedly my knocking off time, sitting in my office waiting for a viewer to come in to talk turkey about the place I showed her around an hour ago… MIGHT get home by 8 with a spot of luck!

    "Employees who are trying to move house are spending over two hours each working day on the transactions – and are costing their bosses thousands of pounds."
    Oh, dear – some bosses want sacking for letting their employees spend ten hours a week f@rting on with their own private affairs – where's the supervision in THOSE workplaces?
    And that doesn't even raise the question of what the chuff can a homeseller or buyer possibly be doing that needs TEN HOURS A WEEK of their concentrated time and effort when they already have Agents and conveyancers jumping through hoops on their behalf?

    These jokers are wild. Luckily they will tame very quickly when the reality of the homeselling process becomes apparent to them.

    Sorry? They've actually been in the business already?

    WOW – wonders never cease. I thought that reading the uberhype they were just the usual run of the mill IT geeks with fancy ideas.

  13. Eric Walker

    Remember the rise of bucket shop conveyancers "Why pay a Lawyer high fees when you can call us 24/7" That went well. Remember 'Fridays'?

  14. Tuf Luv

    So these guys are on a PR drive and its all yabba dabba do so maybe it’s time we get invested in the war and not just the battle. A little help would be appreciated NAEA/ARLA but whilst we’re growing that particular beard how about we get on the offensive. It’s muscle memory people, you know wax on wax off and we’re blocking their moves in no time, or was it **** on **** off – **** you PeeBee.

    Of course they’re model doesn’t stand up but at the moment only we know that so maybe show the public what spending their cash with these dilletantes really buys them. ****, every other day there’s another one spraying musk in our faces and its just saddening to still be waiting for something from our side. We’re all fighting for our own little empires and thats cool but its pathetic how we’ve suddenly become the ******* child of agency. Just the slightest hint of rhetoric from the guys up top would be epic but I guess they really are just throwing us out with the bath water.

    Shakespeare said ****** is for the silent ******* [at least I think it was him] and right now affiliation aint worth a kleenex.

  15. Tuf Luv

    D*mn you PeeBee and D*mn you spell/softeware!!!


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