Purplebricks has totally rejected claims that appeared on Trustpilot yesterday that it pays customers to post reviews.
The reviewer claimed that he fired the agent from handling viewings and sold the house himself “on my first go”.
He added: “So I would recommend you do not take notice of all the paid/fake 5-star reviews where you are offered money.”
A spokesperson for Purplebricks said: “Purplebricks does not pay for any reviews – on either TrustPilot or Feefo.”
‘Purplebricks’ may not pay customers or incentivise them to leave positive reviews centrally, but that’s not to say the ‘self employed’ LPEs, LBPs, AVs, Academy members..etc don’t. A few years ago there was a well known (internally) issue with one LPE getting record numbers of reviews and when asked how, it turned out they had been incentivising customers with (if I remember correctly) £5 gift vouchers – or so I was told on training. There is so much pressure to get reviews it’s no surprise.
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Dangerous thing reviews. In some ways it’s being used to do the regulators job. I.e. they wouldn’t be trading if we had proper trading standards.
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A spokesperson for Purplebricks said: “Purplebricks does not pay for any reviews – on either TrustPilot or Feefo.”
They must be paying them then to leave them on allAgents!
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There are far bigger questions here – and not only for Purplebricks:
1. Why use a reviews site – Trustpilot or Feefo – when Google is a) free and b) far more visible in all the important searches?
2. For Purplebricks: why use two reviews sites?
3. Do agents understand that the CMA regulations expressly forbid selectively inviting ‘happy’ customers to write reviews?
It would appear that part of PBs modus operandi is to get every customer to write a review at a point when they are most happy – sign-up, obviously. That would be fine if the customer had some mechanism on PBs site to write a subsequent (perhaps modified) review at the conclusion of the process.
Meanwhile – have a look at PBs reviews on Google: they should be enough to put anyone off!
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Hi, Where are the PB reviews on Google, I cannot see any. https://www.google.co.uk/search?ei=2qlbXa6NHZDosAfk5LrADA&q=purplebricks+&oq=purplebricks+&gs_l=psy-ab.3..35i39j0i131i67j0j0i67j0l6.90813.90813..91544…0.3..……0….1..gws-wiz…….0i71.uC_zkDwSsKA&ved=0ahUKEwiu4ofk_pDkAhUQNOwKHWSyDsgQ4dUDCAo&uact=5
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Google Solihull purplebricks it’s about 2.2 score. #real
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Personally I think Purplebricks are fantastic and offer outstanding customer service when you can get hold of them and I care not that I would have to pay regardless of whether they sell my house or not?
‘Right, someone owes me a fiver……….?’
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Hi Where are the PB reviews on Google as I cannot see any??
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We all know the review system is a sham as we all know that no matter how good a job you do and how pleased the customer is with the service, getting them to leave a review when moving home and all the stuff that comes with that, is quite difficult.
With PB having 60,70 thousand reviews or whatever number it is now, we know these are either completely made up or at least people have left them by being heavily pressured. I’ve been in restaurants and been offered a free dessert if i leave a 5 star google review…..and why wouldn’t I? Moral yes, hungry and keen for chocolate fudge cake, definitely!
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Look folks, it’s just a sheer coincidence that the 2 paid for advertising review sites they use are so voluminous and positive and the ones they don’t pay for are negative and realworldy.
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these review sites are a joke
feefo, let you decide to whom you send the review link …
the only one I trust, which is not for agents, is TripAdvisor, because you can see the amount of reviews someone has made
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