Private landlords ‘have done everything they can to support renters’

The Covid-19 pandemic has challenged the rental market in a way we have not seen in recent history.

With unemployment rising, some tenants facing financial hardship have struggled to pay their rent, while landlords have been left without rental income.

Yet, new research shows that many landlords have gone above and beyond to support tenants and to sustain tenancies during the existing crisis, with a significant number agreeing to reduce rents.

According to the English Housing Survey published yesterday, 6% of private renters had secured a reduction in their rent payments since the start of the pandemic compared to just 2% in the social sector

Another 5% of private renters had agreed a rent holiday with their landlord, compared to 3% in the social sector and an additional 12% of private tenants had reached another agreement with their landlord, compared to 9% of social tenants.

The greater support being provided by private landlords came despite social renters being more likely to be in rent arrears. In June-July this year, 13% of social renters reported being in arrears compared with 7% in the private sector.

The National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA) has welcomed the support provided by many private landlords, but warns that most have now reached the limits of the help they can provide. 

Ben Beadle, chief executive of the NRLA, said: “These figures prove what we have been saying that many private landlords have done everything they can to support renters affected by the pandemic. But their ability to provide further help has run out.

“The government needs a proper plan to get Covid-related arrears paid off and sustain tenancies. Simply banning repossessions temporarily is just kicking the can down the road and is just making the eventual problems worse for both tenants and landlords.”


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