Plans to extend ‘no fault’ notice period to six months come under fire

Proposals to extend the notice period for so-called ‘no fault’ evictions have come under fire.

In Wales, the Government wants to extend the notice period from two to six months.

Under Section 173 of the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016, the Welsh equivalent of Section 21 in England, rental properties cannot be repossessed in the first six months of the tenancy.

After that, tenants must be given two months notice – which is now set to be six, after an announcement by housing minister Julie James.

This will mean that it will be a year before a rental property can be repossessed after a new tenancy begins.

The Residential Landlords Association director for Wales, Douglas Haig, said: “This is a scandalous move that is essentially introducing 12-month contracts by default.

“Creating a situation where a property cannot be repossessed within the first six months and then introducing a further six-month notice period could cause huge problems for landlords.

“They will be left powerless when it comes to problem tenants. If tenants are not paying rent, huge arrears could build up in this time.”

The Welsh government will now consult on its Section 173 proposals.


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  1. Mark Connelly

    It isn’t introducing twelve month contracts. It’s introducing one way twelve month contracts where the tenant can go on a months notice but the landlord has to give six. Inherently unfair to have a contract which benefits one side so much overt the other.

    Bit like the 28 day rolling contracts than superseded ASTs in Scotland. Back door rental caps.

  2. Will2

    Not good or wise but better than conservative Brokenshires bonkers abolition of s21

    1. RosBeck73

      They said they are doing that as well.

  3. JamesB

    Clearly they are chasing the tenant votes at any cost in Wales also .. no doubt the higher risk tenants will suffer badly

  4. The_Maluka

    As John Cleese would say “That walk is not silly enough”.  Come on HNG surely you can think of something more silly than six month S21’s

  5. Penguin

    What beggars belief is how these charlatans get into the position of being a Housing Minister in the first place, no matter which side of Offa’s dyke you live. These absolutely stupid ideas seem to come out of thin air to people that have absolutely NO experience of the industry. This mess is only going to get worse and worse as Generation Rent and Shelter shout ever louder and shoot themselves in the foot ever harder…

  6. singlelayer

    I wonder if the banks are happy about such a proposal?

  7. PossessionFriendUK39

    Welsh Landlords need to send a message back, No Tenants on benefit will be accepted,  or to use Social Housing’s euphemism, ” those with limited access to public funds ” –  yes that’s right,  Social Housing has been operating this policy for years.
    see    Homelessness – A perfect Storm, on Property 118  today

  8. minion89

    Share on Planning to extend notification time with good and useful information. I hope you will have many good articles to share with us.



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