Plans to double council tax for second home owners unveiled

Councils north of the border could charge more than double the full rate of council tax on second homes under new plans proposed by the Scottish government.

The plan is part of a new Scottish government and Cosla consultation to help boost available housing.

First minister Humza Yousaf announced the plans at the Scottish Trades Union Congress on Monday.

The proposed changes would enable councils to charge up to double the full rate of council tax on second homes from April next year, bringing them in line with long-term empty homes.

The consultation will also contain plans to charge more than double the rate on both empty and second homes in future years.

Latest figures show that in January 2023 there were 42,865 long-term empty homes in Scotland.

The consultation will also ask for views on whether there should be changes to the definition of when a property offering self-catered accommodation becomes liable for non-domestic rates.

Currently, this happens if it is let for a total of 70 nights and is available to let for 140 nights in a financial year.

Ahead of the consultation opening, Yousaf said: “We want everyone in Scotland to have an affordable home that meets their needs and this work to improve the availability of sustainable long-term housing opportunities is a core part of that.

“By recognising the important role councils have in considering local needs, these proposals aim to strike a balance between good housing supply and helping communities to thrive and benefit from tourism.

“I encourage anyone who is interested to respond to the consultation as we try to prioritise homes for living in, seeking a fair contribution to local services from everyone and recognising the benefits to local economies from self-catering accommodation and second homes.

“All responses will be carefully considered before legislation is introduced to the Scottish Parliament.”

Cosla resources spokesperson councillor Katie Hagmann said Scottish local government is “committed to supporting access for everyone in Scotland to an affordable home”.

She said: “That is why we are pleased to be launching this joint consultation, as we work to meet the shared aim of creating the right balance to increase the availability of housing and a taxation system that is fair for the tourism industry.

“We also welcome the greater fiscal empowerment for councils to reflect local circumstances this would introduce.”

The proposed change has been slammed by David Alexander, CEO at DJ Alexander.

He said: “A doubling of the full rate of council tax will certainly make many second homeowners think twice about remaining in Scotland, and many potential buyers will simply invest elsewhere in the UK.

“With the purchase of second homes already subject to a 6% higher rate of property tax north of the border charging double the rate of council tax will ensure that fewer second homeowners will come to or remain in Scotland,” he says.

“Someone buying a £350,000 second home in Scotland already pays £29,350 in Land and Buildings Transaction Tax (LBTT) compared to £15,500 in the rest of the UK.”



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  1. #ImpressiveConveyancing

    So it will raise rents but otherwise do nothing. Tax for the sake of more tax.

    America won the war of indepdendence over tax and the British government have learnt nothing.


  2. LVW4

    How does imposing higher taxes ensure homes are available for all who need them? If you can afford to buy a second home and leave it empty much of the time, you can afford the extra tax. If it’s for holiday letting, you will simply pass on the extra costs.

    As with selective licensing schemes, this is nothing more than an additional opportunity for cash-strapped councils to raise money.

  3. A W

    Ha! And these costs will be passed on to renters… so who benefits in the end, just the taxman.


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