Pandemic-related debts should be ‘top of the housing minister’s in-tray’

The pandemic-related debts in the private rented sector should be “top of the Housing Minister’s in-tray”, according to the National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA) following the formation of a new Welsh government.

In the wake of the Senedd election on 6 May, Mark Drakeford has formed his new cabinet.

Julie James remains in charge of housing in the new role of minister for climate change. Lee Waters joins as her deputy.

With Covid-19 lockdown restrictions easing, the NRLA says that justification for existing measures in the private rented sector are not only void, but are making things worse as financial support for tenants and landlords is still lacking.

The NRLA is calling on the Welsh government to publish a comprehensive plan for moving the private rented sector away from emergency measures and onto a stable footing for the future.

The association argues that this plan should include an immediate reform of the eviction ban,  fairer access to Tenancy Saver Loans, and a clear timetable for a return to business as normal.

Ben Beadle, the NRLA’s chief executive, said: “The Welsh government has won many plaudits for its considered approach to the Covid-crisis, but it has wholly failed to consider the needs of those living and working in the private rented sector.

“The government must act swiftly to address the mounting rent debt crisis that is set to engulf renters and landlords alike. It must also act to ensure that housing providers in Wales are not left high and dry without access to justice.

“If action is not taken soon, the damage caused by the lack of a comprehensive and balanced approach to exiting emergency measures will be felt for years to come.”


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One Comment

  1. paulgbar666

    More delusions from LL bodies.   Let me assure you ALL that Govt will do nothing at all to assist LL to recover rent default losses before;  during and after the ending of furlough. To Govt the pressure of massive rent losses is even more pressure on LL to sell up.     This is what Govt desires. It is therefore blindingly obvious that Govt will do nothing to salvage LL financial circumstances that have been so ravaged by bonkers Govt policies caused by CV19.   LL must realise they are on their own.   I’m amazed at how many LL haven’t yet been bankrupted by the mass rent defaulting that has occurred.   Govt must have been secretly hoping that LL had sufficient resources that Govt could ponce off to provide free housing to all the feckless rent defaulters. A feckless rent defaulter is one who has made NO preparations for sudden income loss to cover normal domestic costs for at least a year. That definition now needs to be 2 years of domestic costs. Any tenant who doesn’t have this is feckless. So before all the feckless tenants go spending they should do so only once they have two years of finance to cover two years of normal domestic expenses.   That could include credit card limits. Though as the recent Barclaycard debacle has proven credit limits may be reduced in the blink of any eye and therefore CANNOT be relied upon. LL must understand that Govt won’t do anything to assist LL to recover defaulted rent.   LL must appreciate that they are being used as a political football which means this Govt has no intention of assisting the small LL in any way at all. This may seem unfair and of course it is. But Govt doesn’t care if it’s actions drive small LL out of business as this is exactly it’s intention.   To believe this isn’t the case would confirm that the LL was an idiot. LL need to wise up and consider defensive strategies. There are many ways LL can attempt to prevent their Govt sanctioned eradication. But they need to start working on those many and various ways now.   There is a big increase to CGT in 2023. LL should by then have resolved how their business will look.   For many LL selling up will be the most effective strategy.   LL are deluding themselves if they believe they can carry on in the same old way.   I wonder when the next pandemic hits that LL will have suitably garnished magic money trees available to them for the next eviction ban!? Unlike it seems many LL I b1ever did discover any magic money trees for my use. Govt would not have cared at all if the eviction ban meant I couldn’t pay my mortgages. I would have been bankrupted and Govt would not have cared in the slightest. Fortunately things never got to that stage. I consider myself incredibly lucky. I’m wise enough to know that luck eventually runs out and I know Govt will do everything to ensure I’m forced out of the PRS.   Well going before the luck runs out seems to me to be a wise business decision.   Yes it means Govt wins. But sometimes you have to reckon as a little David that the Govt Goliath can beat you down anytime they want! So get out while the going is good!!


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