One year on: OnTheMarket says it has become recognised challenger brand marks its first birthday today.

The portal, launched by Agents’ Mutual,  said last night that it has already cemented its position as one of the UK’s leading portals and as a major challenger brand.

However, OTM did not clarify whether it had overtaken Zoopla – as it earlier said it would do.

Last night’s statement went on: “We have already revealed this year that we have achieved the support of 6,500 estate and letting agent offices – a 50% increase on this time last year – and we are now on our way to our next milestone of achieving support from 7,500 offices.

“There are many areas of the UK where we are already the number 2 portal in terms of available residential listings – and have been for a long time – and many others where just a few extra offices would push us over the line.

“In some areas, we just need one extra office: a testament to how far has come.

“For this month, early indications suggest we are on track to achieve a record number of leads supplied to agents by the portal and also to achieve record breaking levels of traffic for the number of visitors to Our national marketing campaign continues to raise awareness of our brand and drives genuine property-seekers to our website and apps, which in turn generates high-quality leads to agents listing their properties at – a message many of our member agents have increasingly confirmed in public statements.

 “Only last week, Paul Jarman, the Head of Western Residential at Savills, stated that the agency’s lead levels were the same as a year ago when they stopped listing with Zoopla/PrimeLocation and that leads from were of a better quality than those provided by Zoopla.

“One year on and the reasons why Agents’ Mutual was founded are more clear than ever.

“Rightmove and Zoopla have dominated the online search market and secured higher and higher fees but provides agents with the chance to challenge this duopoly head-on. We have developed what we believe is a superior digital platform which has gained traction among consumers.

“The traffic has been a healthy mix of new and returning visitors and we have received excellent feedback about the portal from both consumers and agents. It is also clean and simple to use and, importantly, is free from the advertising clutter on other portals. Furthermore, many of our agents are launching new listings exclusively at first: typically 24 to 48 hours ahead of any other portal.

“This provides an extra and compelling reason for serious property-seekers to visit the portal and to return.

“As more and more agents recognise the strategic imperative of regaining control of their precious property data and their online marketing costs, we look forward to welcoming many more agents to

“With such impressive achievements in just one year, no one should be in any doubt that is here to stay and is buoyed by committed, robust support. It is only a matter of time before we overtake Zoopla in terms of UK available residential listings.

“From this point we believe agent momentum will snowball and we will focus all our energy on continuing to build a sustainably low-cost alternative to Rightmove to serve both agents and consumers better.”




Email the story to a friend!


  1. HarryN

    I saw yesterday that OTM have got 8.5% of Zoopla’s, and 4% of Rightmove’s audience.

    The mind boggles at the lack of understanding shown by those who are claiming some sort of success around the past 12 months. Consumers simply aren’t interested in it.

    The only real success here is Springett’s ability to lure people into the project. If you speak to everyday, hardworking agents, there isn’t much good feeling at all after 12 months.

    1. Gump

      This story says 6,500 members, the other story says 6,500 members inc letter of intent.

      I wonder if you take the letters of intent away if they have actually moved on at all in the last 9 months

      1. HarryN

        I don’t care how many members or listings they have Gump. I only care how many buyers and sellers are looking at their website.

        Given the money they are pumping into traffic generation, the numbers are woefully disappointing with a barely perceptible increase in consumers who are choosing to come back. The biggest problem they have is that many consumers who have been to their website won’t bother going back because is has almost nothing to offer them compared to the other websites that they are used to using.

        This is a massive, well funded white elephant and the team behind it will do whatever they have to to survive; including ******** over their loyal investors by offering new advertisers – who get an equal shareholding – the same service for peanuts.

        I sense the beginning of a landslide!

    2. Property Pundit

      A post by El Burro on 6 Jan reproduced here for the benefit of harry hood:
      What I don’t get about the anti OTM brigade is why are they bothered?If OTM is as rubbish as they suggest and all their agents are just flushing their money down the pan in a Ponzi scheme (HarryN) why aren’t they just letting their competitors get on with it?
      Surely you’d love them making complete ars*’s of themselves, after all it’s money on a doomed project that they could be spending on much more effective platforms competing with you?
      It seems to me Zoopla were openly rubbishing OTM at the start, that has given way to an almost evangelical campaign to teach others the error of their ways by a band of non OTM agents. Or are they? Maybe Zoopla decided that openly rubbishing a competitor was never going to get them many votes and a different approach was needed . . . . . .Who else would give a monkeys?
      So why do you give such a monkey harry hood?

  2. Christopher Watkin

    You have to admire their optimism

  3. AgencyInsider

    Good to see PIE giving the pro and anti camps an equal playing field this morning. OTM knockers – queue up here please. Pro-lobby head over to the next story where the Quirkster coconut shy has been set up and is waiting for you.

  4. Jonnie

    Blimey, a year on eh?

    No doubt this story will do the usual of attracting lots of posts although from a small number of posters with the boys that aren’t on it saying not a lot (but very loudly) about how dreadful the whole thing is while leaving many of us baffled by why they care.

    Anyway, one of the regulars in the form of the ever facisnating HarryN kicking it off bright and early having spent what we can assume to be a fair bit of his highly valuable time yesterday going to the effort of working out a stat or two, which is nice of him.


    1. HarryN

      Only takes me a jiffy Johnnie to work out that OTM is a flop 😉

      1. SJEA

        How can you determine if it is a ‘flop’. Many agents, myself included have not seen any negative impact on my business since leaving Zoopla, in fact, joining OTM has saved me around £2,000 per annum against Zoopla in fees alone. In terms of ‘quality’, I cannot speak for other firms but I have noticed a vast increase in the quality of leads generated. It is counter productive to respond to ten time wasting ‘leads’ against one quality lead. So for me, it’s all about the quality !

        Again, the only agents I can imagine that are negative about the OTM proposal are those that cannot join or those that simply do not understand it.

      2. Property Pundit

        A post by El Burro on 6 Jan reproduced here for the benefit of harry hood:
        What I don’t get about the anti OTM brigade is why are they bothered?If OTM is as rubbish as they suggest and all their agents are just flushing their money down the pan in a Ponzi scheme (HarryN) why aren’t they just letting their competitors get on with it?
        Surely you’d love them making complete ars*’s of themselves, after all it’s money on a doomed project that they could be spending on much more effective platforms competing with you?
        It seems to me Zoopla were openly rubbishing OTM at the start, that has given way to an almost evangelical campaign to teach others the error of their ways by a band of non OTM agents. Or are they? Maybe Zoopla decided that openly rubbishing a competitor was never going to get them many votes and a different approach was needed . . . . . .Who else would give a monkeys?
        So why do you give such a monkey harry hood?

  5. interestedobserver

    OTM has outperformed the expectations of many and underperformed v it’s own predictions. That said, and having recently purchased a house in a very pro-OTM area, it simply adds zero value when looking for a property. Rightmove has more content. So I went to RM where all the OTM stock could be found anyway. Therefore, if I was selling a property I’d want the agent on RM before giving my instruction. OTM will not survive as a ‘freebie’ for buyers who demand RM and indifferently take the free McDonalds Toy of OTM.

    None of the agents I spoke to had received leads they could identify as OTM.  2 said they had lost instructions because they had dropped Zoopla. The branch manager  at one agent I spoke to said the staff  were indifferent about dropping Z at first but had the royal hump after the implications became obvious i.e less Zoopla leads, but they then noticed leads overall hadn’t dropped that much. Here’s the thing – no one said the loss of Z leads were replaced by OTM leads.

    I can’t see how the OTM business model secures No2 spot around the country without making RM so much stronger as to be unassailable.  As always, it’ll be interesting to observe how they go about it.

    1. interestedobserver

      I love that someone dislikes an agents experience of OTM!

  6. danny

    A new record … The longest press release yet without a single usable stat… Not one number in it .

    1. Gump

      Why use stats to show that OTM is a roaring success and have achieved their number two spot in 12 months?…..oh wait

      1. PeeBee

        It IS where I am based…

        1. Gump

          Locally perhaps, PeeBee, but locally was never their dream. One step at a time and all, but thats not what was shouted from the rooftops at the start

          And to be honest if you don’t win an instruction over an OTM agent, something is seriously wrong

          1. PeeBee

            “Locally perhaps, PeeBee, but locally was never their dream.”

            The entire market is made up of a whole 5h1tload of ‘locals’, Gump.  Around 3500 of the to be more accurate, using the ‘Activity Centre’ measure.  Every one is a small nibble out of the elephant that you simply can’t eat in one sitting.

            “And to be honest if you don’t win an instruction over an OTM agent, something is seriously wrong”

            I’ll ignore that comment – put it down to you having a bad day of OTM positivity.

            I feel for you. ;o)

            1. Gump

              No PeeBee, I feel for you

              1. PeeBee

                If that’s a rendition of the old Chaka Khan song you’re breaking into, Gump…

                …the next five words will forever change our lives! ;o)

                1. PeeBee

                  Oh – and for the record, it wasn’t me who ‘Disliked’ your above comment.

                  I’ve just levelled the score for you!

  7. JAM01

    To be meaningful, to differentiate from simply being a portal and to add value to Vendors and Applicants alike, why not tweek the website and concentrate on Vendor’s onwards purchases as well, where the local independent office is not already represented in that other area, for example. Create an onward purchasing referral system through the website, effectively connecting all of the offices – 5,000 – into a single network, so rather than being just an advertisement portal where lots of Indys work independently, it becomes a national mutual portal where all agents work together as a single network.

    That adds value to Vendors and Applicants alike.

    1. harry hood

      This is the trojan horse. AM could completely kill agency.

      I.e. they turn agents into local AM representatives who all have part of the AM franchise. This is what agents really need to worry about.

      1. Property Pundit

        A post by El Burro on 6 Jan reproduced here for the benefit of harry hood:
        What I don’t get about the anti OTM brigade is why are they bothered?If OTM is as rubbish as they suggest and all their agents are just flushing their money down the pan in a Ponzi scheme (HarryN) why aren’t they just letting their competitors get on with it?
        Surely you’d love them making complete ars*’s of themselves, after all it’s money on a doomed project that they could be spending on much more effective platforms competing with you?
        It seems to me Zoopla were openly rubbishing OTM at the start, that has given way to an almost evangelical campaign to teach others the error of their ways by a band of non OTM agents. Or are they? Maybe Zoopla decided that openly rubbishing a competitor was never going to get them many votes and a different approach was needed . . . . . .Who else would give a monkeys?
        So why do you give such a monkey harry hood?

    2. The Outsider

      And why dont Burger King sell Whoppers for McDonalds and Pepsi bring out a line of diet coke?

      Sheer madness!

  8. jmeapps01

    So lets get this right! In this report it says there are 6500 agents supporting the brand. in the next report an OTM spokesperson states there are 3000 members! Which is it? if it is the former that is poor to say the least and makes a mockery of the spin that OTM create!!!

    1. Property Pundit

      A post by El Burro on 6 Jan reproduced here for the benefit of jmeapps01:
      What I don’t get about the anti OTM brigade is why are they bothered?If OTM is as rubbish as they suggest and all their agents are just flushing their money down the pan in a Ponzi scheme (HarryN) why aren’t they just letting their competitors get on with it?
      Surely you’d love them making complete ars*’s of themselves, after all it’s money on a doomed project that they could be spending on much more effective platforms competing with you?
      It seems to me Zoopla were openly rubbishing OTM at the start, that has given way to an almost evangelical campaign to teach others the error of their ways by a band of non OTM agents. Or are they? Maybe Zoopla decided that openly rubbishing a competitor was never going to get them many votes and a different approach was needed . . . . . .Who else would give a monkeys?
      So why do you give such a monkey jmeapps01?

  9. smile please

    Strange, my last count up which is in the Arena shows OTM on just 5854 signed up agents … Granted this is capped at 500 for Greater London. Are they really suggesting that the number for Greater London is over 1100?

    These figures are direct form their site so they must agree with them.


    1. smile please

      How can this comment get a dislike. Its FACT – Unlike alot of what is spoken about on here.


      1. JAM01

        I got a dislike for offering how OTM can add value to vendors and applicants. Cracked me right up. Perhaps only negativity gets a like these days.

        1. smile please

          I will be honest it has discouraged me from posting (i know some will be happy with that) Since December i have hardly posted.

          I would like reasoned debate, not just mud slinging all the time.

          I tend to keep my comments to the Arena now as more sensible debate and people look to improve or seek advice.

          1. Gump

            You’ve stopped posting because your comments get a dislike?

            I think the most dislikes I got last year was 18. My goal this year it to double that. Just waiting for the right moment 😛

            1. smile please

              Not because of the dislikes, just the general mud slinging and people trying to shout louder than the previous person to make their point but lacking any real substance.

              Just look at the comments above (or any story these days) it consists of people running down things but offer no form of development. The one or two posters that do offer thought out ideas looking to move something on are also shouted down.

              At least in the Arena there seems to be a group of people looking for constructive dialogue and not just shouting or ranting like a looney.

              I will still read the stories but will only seldom comment as i do not think there is much point. I come on here looking to keep up with industry news and in my own little way help shape a profession i care about,

              The second is not shared by many at this time. I like the input from some posters, Ric, RealAgent, Robert, PeeBee and yourself to name a few but there seems an increasing number of noisy individuals who just want to run others down.

              1. JAM01

                Same here. Stopped commenting due to the aggro when you voice a different opinion in a polite manner.

                1. AgencyInsider

                  Any posting on an open media like this runs the risk of being ‘disliked’ or being attacked. It goes with the territory. It is not pleasant when it happens but really, it’s just words – and you know what mummy taught us about them and stick and stones. A dislike is just a bl**dy tick box for goodness sake. It’s not as if someone came and shouted through your letterbox!

                  However it seems to me that uncouth element on here is pretty limited in number and the best thing to do is ignore them. Their extreme views are so blatant they make fools of themselves time and again. Let them get on with it and eventually they will get tired and go away.

                  I couldn’t care less how many ‘dislikes’ I get from the angry mob – and I know the vast majority of those who participate on here are decent, courteous people who I enjoy engaging with.

                  1. JAM01

                    True but who can be bothered with the hastle.

                  2. smile please

                    I dont mind dislikes at all.

                    Its more the vocal posters running ideas / people down that have nothing to back up what they say and also making up or assuming a lot of things.

                    For example for some to say OTM has increased business is laughable. Likewise to say OTM has ruined a business in laughable! – These comments have nothing to back them up just opinions.

                    And i have no problem with opinion but some bound it around like fact! – If they are ever challenged on this they just shout back louder.

                    Even if you disagree with them and offer an alternative to move the discussion on they cant see it.

                    I know this is the nature of forums and it will not change,

                    I just think its sad that so many individuals in the same industry that all want it to work better be it sticking it to onliners, taking back control of stock, reducing advertising fees or a worthwhile industry body we can get behind  – Cannot talk and discuss ideas that would help as opposed to just personal egos and wants getting in the way.

              2. Gump

                You will always get that with forums, I’ve had peeps on here argue with me that I’ve agreed with!

                Address the majority, Chat with the few, Ignore the minority

              3. Ric

                Hey there sp, hope you are well and had a good Christmas and New Year?

                It’s all got a bit boring now sp……. like you, can’t be mithered commenting against those who clearly have no authority in their company to make a difference anyway….. I would so love to have a EYE Annual Meet Up and some Face2Face conversations with the regular posters both Anti and Pro AM…. Easy to type a good game, but I wonder how many of the supposed “business owners” on here or industry pros are actually what they confess to be! ~troll-o-lol-lol springs to mind half the time.

                1. smile please

                  We should arrange a “Conference” sometime even if it is a few of us that turn up for a beer at a weekend retreat!

                  Lots of trolls but also a lot of egos – A number of posters i do think are genuine but just far too blinkered.

                  Still not my concern, i will only selectively post as opposed to getting involved.

  10. surrey1

    Given Zoopla appear to sell off/share prospective seller info to Countrywide and “online agents” I can’t understand why any independent agent would continue to support them over OTM.

  11. B6RKY

    Wow. I really expected some angry voices on here today both attacking and defending OTM. But these threads have been tame to say the least.

    Neither side seems to be that bothered anymore and the comments vary between tedious, repetitive and boringly ludicrous.

    We all knew long ago that OTM weren’t going to live up to the hype and become no.2 by today, even the diehards, and excuses have been made in the run up to deflect from this. There are very few figures to back up what anyone claims, if indeed they can be bothered making any claims.

    I am more concerned with the number of purple boards which are springing up and which local agents aren’t even getting out to value. I had hoped it was a blip but with the new funds available to them it is becoming an issue. The money spent on OTM (approx. the same budget as Purple I believe?) seems to have missed the mark amongst the general public and whilst we’ve been preoccupied with our own portal war we have taken our eye off the ball. Ask a vendor if they’ve heard of OTM in my area and there is a blank expression and a shrug of the shoulders. Ask them if they’ve heard of PB and its a different matter.

    There is no industry body to fight for us and OTM do not appear to be coming to anyone’s rescue. We need to get our heads together and act before its too late. ‘Lions led by Donkeys’ springs to mind.

    1. Ric

      So we should form a kind of “Mutual Agents” type thingy and then a website where the public can see the majority property for sale in the UK…… this website could perhaps only allow HighStreetAgents on and not allow CallCentreAgents OR we could turn the internet off!

      Fact is RM and Z have created a level playing field for CallCentreAgents and in a market where property is typically selling quite easily, the public are forgiven for thinking just being on RM and Z is enough…. so we need to use the internet to our advantage JUST like PB etc have done.

      As long as the market remains strong and RM and Z allow budget CallCentreAgents – we are snookered…… problem is when we get a market crash and being on the internet alone is not enough to sell…….many of us will moan about paying out too much money for RM & Z and by then OTM will have failed at the very time we will wish we had supported it.

      Oddest thing ever that people do not see how having OTM work could be exactly what the High Street needs to stop the CallCentre onslaught……

      If nothing else, AM/OTM has shown me – we as an industry have no idea how to pull together! So making some other “get our heads together group” is pointless, although I will sign a letter of intent now to show my support! Just don’t expect me to turn up.

  12. Kyle

    Don’t you post this exact story every week just altered ever so slightly?


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