New tool designed to help estate agents ‘turn compliance into cash’

Agent Response says it has launched a new tool aimed at helping estate agents diversify their services and boost revenue.

The Agent Payment Platform, an online store fully integrated with a payment platform, is designed to streamline transactions and enhance the agency’s offering, boosting revenue in the process, according to Agent Response.

The online store will allow estate agents to sell a wide range of products and services on their website, including property sale marketing packs, EPCs, AML checks and bespoke home finder services.

Agent Response adds that the new payment system will simplify the transactions process of these products and services, improve cash flow, and transform compliance tasks into ‘lucrative revenue-generating opportunities’.

Agent Response says that one of its clients, an unnamed estate agency with six branches, processed 137 orders in July, generating an extra £30,000, or £5,000 per office each month using the platform.

Estate agents can sign up for this new tool within one week, according to Agent Response.



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One Comment

  1. jan-byers

    Another app that we will never hear of again adn is not needed


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