New property listing website finds 192 portals listing UK homes for sale

A new website says it has found 5,892 sites that list property for sale in the UK including:
192 portals
5,382 estate agents
290 newspapers.

Property-listing-sites aims to be the one-stop shop for property listing site intelligence.

It is aimed at estate agents evaluating their marketing options; entrepreneurs and investors looking at the property portal sector; property software suppliers looking for customers; and property professionals in general.

It finds out how many sites there are, how big they are, and classifies them as above.

Beyond that, it also finds out which sites form groups (eg, groups of newspapers); which sites use which data sources, software and platforms.

It can also extract property listings from the sites for search engines and aggregators – such as home and Houser.

It has produced a top 20 ranking of property sites.

We are not familiar with all the names in its top 20 ranking.

For example, property.mitula comes third behind Rightmove and Zoopla, while in 20th place is a portal called overstreet.

A spokesperson for property-listing-sites said: “The results are surprising – most people have only heard of the sites like Rightmove, Zoopla, and OnTheMarket, which spend the most on marketing and come up first in the most common internet searches like ‘houses for sale in X’.

“Beneath them are a larger number of sites that get their traffic from more specific internet searches, like ‘houses with a Y’.

“For example, if you do a Google search for ‘houses with mullioned windows’ or ‘houses with a horse walker’ you will find sites like Mitula and, because these sites are optimised for that kind of more specific search.

“Of course, not many people do such specialised searches, but when websites can rank highly in the search results for many such searches, this can be just as good as ranking highly for a smaller number of more popular searches – the so-called ‘long tail effect’.”

It is interesting to spot houser in the list, at 15, and to see that haart is the agent with the most properties, followed by William H Brown, Purplebricks, and Your Move. This is the top 20, ranked by estimated number of properties listed:
1     PORTAL
2     PORTAL
3     PORTAL
4     PORTAL
5     PORTAL
6     PORTAL
7     PORTAL
9     PORTAL
10     PORTAL
11     PORTAL
12     PORTAL
13     PORTAL
15     PORTAL
20     PORTAL



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One Comment

  1. housesinsale89

    another real estate portal


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