A local authority says that it is the first to receive government approval for a licensing scheme that covers every single private rented property in the borough.
Barking and Dagenham has won permission for a five-year scheme that will encompass some 20,000 private rented households – or 27% of the London borough’s entire housing stock.
Barking and Dagenham already runs licensing schemes, but this regime will end on August 31, and be replaced the following day by the wider regime.
The council says that so far its existing schemes have helped it instigate 70 prosecutions and serve 570 enforcement notices.
Cllr Margaret Mullane, cabinet member for enforcement and community safety, said: “It is fantastic news that the Government has approved our new property licensing scheme for five years, right across the borough – the first of this kind to be given government approval anywhere.
“It will be a key weapon in our continuing fight to improve standards in the private rented sector. We are absolutely determined to protect our tenants, making sure they live in safe homes that are in good condition and well managed.”
Since 2015, new rules have required local councils in England to seek confirmation from the Secretary of State for any selective licensing scheme that covers more than 20% of their geographical area or over 20% of privately rented homes.
The Government is currently conducting an independent review of selective licensing.
A report was said to be due this spring, according to a House of Commons briefing paper published in March. However, the report is still awaited.
A whole borough of anti social behaviour? Or just another money grabbing rogue authority like Croydon. What with s21 I hope landlords of this borough withdraw from the market. Serve s21 notices whilst they can and leave the council to provide its own social housing.
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Government are still intent on driving the PRS out of business.
The conservatives will be remembered for this come the G election. It started with Osborne ref Section 24 and still they find new ways to kill the sector.
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Plenty of laws already, just need to enforce them
employ me on commission, and I will get thousands in
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