Law Society survives no confidence vote at Special General Meeting

Law Society CEO Ian Jeffery and President Nick Emmerson survived a vote of no confidence at yesterday’s Special General Meeting, called in response to the roll out of the updated fifth edition of the TA6 property information protocol form.

A vote took place on the motion of no confidence in the president and chief executive of the Law Society to properly and effectively represent those members of the Society who practise conveyancing.

The results of the vote were as follows:

For 123

Against 207

Abstain 20

The motion was accordingly lost.

Amerdeep Somal, chair of the Law Society Board and Mark Evans, deputy vice president of the Law Society, said: “The Law Society Council and Board fully support the President and CEO and are pleased with the outcome of today’s vote.

“We have listened to the concerns raised by some of our members on this specific issue. It is important to note that we have already taken steps to address these concerns by postponing the compulsory implementation of the updated TA6 form. We have also launched a consultation to ensure we understand the full range of member views.“



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