It’s wheely shocking: Estate agents now named as among Britain’s worst drivers

No sooner were we celebrating that estate agents are the safest drivers in the UK, than a helpful reader wings us over a survey saying that estate agents are among the least safe people behind the wheels on the nation’s roads.

Surveys, eh?

And statistics!

Yesterday’s good news came from a car finance firm, Zuto, which you would have thought would be in the business of lending to safe drivers.

But whoa there!

Today’s bad news comes from insurance firm 1st Central, whose co-founder and chief underwriting officer Pete Creed drives home the point: “People often have preconceived ideas about how certain professions behave on the roads.

“Our data dispel a number of these myths, but it’s interesting to see such suspicions confirmed for estate agents.”

According to 1st Central:

These are the top 10 least safe drivers by profession:

1. Engineer
2. Mechanic
3. Estate agent
4. Travel agent
5. IT consultant
6. Hospital worker (non medical)
7. Accountant
8. Debt collector
9. Hospital doctor
10. Psychotherapist

These are the safest:

1. Administrator
2. Painter
3. Farmer
4. Fashion designer
5. Carpet fitter
6. Builder
7. Cleaner
8. Baker
9. Dinner lady
10. Caretaker


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  1. Robert May

    As a  mongrel mix of Agent, IT consultant and client cash accountant, it might be better if I start walking!

  2. Property Paddy

    I still recommend people steer clear of my wife when she is on the road.

    She is a nurse !

    1. Property Paddy

      10 dislikes?

      Cos she’s a nurse ?

      I never said she was a bad driver, I just didn’t tell you she gets road rage and works in in organ donation !!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Neilw

    I’ve been driving 40+years without an accident…..I regularly have my doubts that property was not the career for me!!!!


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