Industry heavyweight announces plans to launch a new property portal

Rob Hailstone

Never one to let the grass grow under his feet, Rob Hailstone, ex-conveyancer and CEO of the Bold Legal Group has announced plans to launch On The Right Market, a new property portal with a radically different business model.

“For as long as I can remember estate agents have been able to dictate where the majority of conveyancing work goes, and that is often to the highest bidder, he said. “The time has come for conveyancers to grasp the nettle, and I intend to help them by launching a free listings portal: On The Right Market.”

Conveyancers will be able to list properties for sale on behalf of their clients and an all-inclusive agency/legal fee will be charged of 1.25%.

Hailstone said: “I have been working on this for many years and the funding required to launch is in now place. Not only will the public get a better legal fees/estate agency deal, they will also get a free property transaction pack when listing their property. We are guaranteeing a 14-day exchange and completion.

“However, we are not going to forget our estate agency friends and I am sure there will still be a role for them, making sure that conveyancers are progressing matters as quickly as possible. The last thing we would want is for us to be allowed to progress matters without interruption, go home early and stop lunching and playing golf on a Friday.”

If you want to work with Hailstone, he has requested that you please post (don’t use email) your CV, second class, to On The Right Market, The Signal Man’s Box, Torquay Railway, Station, Devon. Alternatively, a fax or pigeon post facility is available.


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  1. smile please

    April fool.

  2. tim main

    Rob, i am sure you enjoyed that one.  tjhm

  3. Charlie Lamdin

    Excellent prank!

  4. forwardthinker

    Who did this?

    Not funny!

  5. Hillofwad71

    Marvelous .You will probably  be getting a call from Axel Spinger to invest

  6. Simon Brown ESTAS

    ‘Industry heavyweight’….Rob have you been piling on the pounds! 😉

  7. MarkJ

    Surely a typo …should be Droopla On The Right Market ?      DOTRM or .RM  for texters

  8. AlwaysAnAgent

    This brought a smile 🙂

  9. Rhino

    Rob you missed a trick here, if you’d put it on a Crowd Funding site you would probably be up a few hundred thousand already

    Happy Easter one and all and its nice to start the weekend with a smile

  10. scruffy

    Rob, you silver fox.  Surely you should be using a dating site if you’re going to have your mug on display ?  I’ve heard Morris Dancers Alone has a strong presence in your part of the world.

    Just saying……

  11. Property Ear

    Brilliant Rob, you had me for a minute there! Having said that, it sounds a more credible bet than #BOOMISERY!

  12. Rob Hailstone

    Glad it entertained most. One confession Scruffy, the picture is over a decade old. No longer silver fox/distinguished, more extinguished. Happy Easter.

  13. Cheesybiscuits

    Love it

  14. Joseph60

    Excellent, brightened up the day!


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