How can agents gain more property instructions in a less buoyant market?

With the housing market set to slow in the near-term and the number of properties coming onto the market continuing to fall, next year could prove tougher for some estate agents when it comes to attracting much-needed property instructions.

To help agents potentially thrive and grow in a marketplace that is expected to be less hot than the last couple of years, Gazeal will hold a webinar in January.

“We see it as 2022 being the year where agents will fall into two very different camps,” Bryan Mansell, co-founder of Gazeal, said. “There will be those who innovate, improve the customer experience, help people, solve what needs to be sold, and stop adding cost to their property marketing presentation. And there will be those who do nothing new, who expect to win the same listings as before, who stick to the status quo, and ultimately think they know what customers need without asking them.”

From research carried out by Gazeal, a digital upfront information platform, on 2,000 property listings in 2021, the platform found that 70% of buyers and sellers don’t know the legal process, nearly all – 99% – do not about the ‘How to sell guide’ that is recommended to be given to them, and 90% are happy to share further information.

Gazeal’s data also found that 95% want to have a less risky way to move and most are typically anxious about the move they make. Some 80% have experienced some issues before when either trying to buy or sell.

“We know what agents desire the most – listing more property, securing more sales, and boosting their business,” Mansell added. “And there is an easy way of achieving this, that is perhaps too often overlooked. You need to provide customers with what they want and need, get in front of sellers on a more regular basis, make their choice of agent easier, get out of the ‘Fee Boxing Ring’, and improve the overall consumer experience.”

Gazeal’s webinar will take place on 12 January 2022, with further details to be revealed nearer the time.

“The industry cannot continue to see £1bn in commission each year lost, thanks to fall-throughs, when there is a better way,” Mansell said. “During the webinar, we will launch the battle plan for 2022 and your estate agency will never be the same again. We’ll also outline how you can win the crucial battle for listings in 2022 and the some tips from agents to win more listings before the portals start charging you for it.”

“It sounds like a bold claim, but this webinar will change the way you run your estate agency business forever,” Mansell went on. “To help people out, we have 100 free tickets to give away. We want this webinar to be truly transformative.”



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  1. Woodentop

    And this is exactly why ‘IT’  sales companies fail with rhetoric they have the magic chalice to win you business with their fixed programmes and ideas ……


    ” ……the status quo, and ultimately think they know what customers need without asking them”


    The successful agent will always win over the customer if they work hard, look and act professional, find out what that customer particularly needs and aspirations and meets those needs with confidence. Blimey isn’t that what good high street agents have been doing for decades and outshine, rather than being told they can do it from the bedroom on their lonesome.

    1. Bryan Mansell

      Unless the IT companies are run by experienced agents who also talk directly to over 2000 sellers to establish this. I would expect all agents, not only high street branches to do what you say is done, unfortunately, this isn’t the case with, of course, the odd exception.

      1. Woodentop

        You are right the odd exception is the High Street, the bedroom jockey hasn’t the logistics or hours in the day to keep up with the demand and hands on workload/decision making/action required and a machine can never anticipate/replace only help with the admin but ….. “my computer isn’t programmed for, that scenario”.


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