Housing secretary calls for tax cuts

Michael Gove

Michael Gove has called for a tax cut before the next general election, despite the chancellor Jeremy Hunt telling the press over the weekend that the government was “not in a position to talk about tax cuts at all”.

Hunt insisted that the government needed to focus on getting to a place in the economy where ministers could “credibly” offer reductions before making offers to voters.

However, Gove told Sky News’ Sunday Morning with Trevor Phillips yesterday that he would “like to see the tax burden reduced by the next election”.

He commented: “We should make sure that [workers] are better rewarded for the enterprise, effort and endeavour they put in.”

Asked about Gove’s remarks by reporters, prime minister Rishi Sunak said: “We are all Conservatives, of course I want to cut taxes [but] the best tax cut I can deliver right now for the country is to halve inflation.

“It is inflation that is putting the prices of things up, inflation impacting the cost of living, inflation eating into people’s savings, their bank accounts, their wallets.

“And that’s why the first of my priorities is to bring inflation down – to halve it – and I am pleased we are making progress.”

Sunak added: “I know things are still tough but the last few months of data should give us comfort and reassurance that we are getting there.

“Inflation is coming down as I said it would. We’re going to stick to the course and that is the best way for us to help people.”



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One Comment

  1. Ian Narbeth

    Even if the 20% rate were reduced to 19% that would not compensate for the fiscal drag caused by freezing the personal allowance rate at £12750. Increase that by the increase in inflation to restore it to its 2020 value.


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