Government announces crackdown on ‘rogue social landlords’

New plans to clamp down on rogue social landlords who fail to provide safe homes have been announced by the government as part of its pledge to deliver Awaab’s Law.   

The two-year-old from Rochdale died from a respiratory condition caused by extensive mould in the flat where he lived, and the government is taking action to introduce reforms in social housing to prevent future tragedies.  

The Awaab’s Law consultation has been launched by the housing secretary, Michael Gove. It proposes to introduce strict new time limits for social housing providers and force them to take swift action in addressing dangerous hazards such as damp and mould.   

It also proposes new legal requirements for social landlords to investigate hazards within 14 days, start fixing within a further seven days, and make emergency repairs within 24 hours. Those landlords who fail can be taken to court where they may be ordered to pay compensation for tenants.  

Landlords will be expected to keep clear records to improve transparency for tenants – showing every attempt is made to comply with the new timescales so they can no longer dither and delay to rectify people’s homes.

Gove said: “The tragic death of Awaab Ishak should never have happened. His family have shown courageous leadership, determination and dignity to champion these changes and now it’s time for us to deliver for them through Awaab’s Law.  

“Today is about stronger and more robust action against social landlords who have refused to take their basic responsibilities seriously for far too long. 

“We will force them to fix their homes within strict new time limits and take immediate action to tackle dangerous damp and mould to help prevent future tragedies.”


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