Goodlord partners with Kamma to tackle increasing risk of agent fines

Costas Frangeskou

Goodlord has unveiled its newest integration with geospatial technology company Kamma in a keynote yesterday that unveiled a string of new product features, integrations and partnerships.

Kamma’s research highlights that approximately one in four properties require a licence. With more schemes launched each month, there is a change in law every eight days. A post-pandemic crackdown has also seen fines reach £9.8m in London alone. Avoiding these requires time and effort from landlords and agents to ensure they stay compliant.

Going forward, all agents using Goodlord’s platform will be able to use the Kamma tool to search for a property address and see all the licensing requirements needed for that property.

This new integration with Goodlord aims to offer agents complete transparency and their landlords assurance that all licensing requirements are being met.

Orla Shields

Through Goodlord, agents will be able to see which properties require which type of licence, the expiry date on current licences (which typically expire after two-five years), and all the key information associated with individual licences.

The announcement of this new partnership was made yesterday during a keynote announcement hosted by Goodlord CEO, William Reeve. The keynote unveiled the features of the enhanced Goodlord platform, dubbed Willow, which have now gone live.

Costas Frangeskou, Goodlord’s director of growth, and Orla Shields, CEO of Kamma, took to the stage to make a collective announcement of the integration.

Frangeskou said: “In a recent survey we found that half of letting agents don’t feel confident that they’re keeping up with licensing changes. And it’s easy to see why – it’s a draining task that is, let’s face it, also quite boring. That’s why we’re delighted to add an integration with Kamma to the Goodlord platform. It’s going to make a difficult task much easier and more simple for agents.”

Shields added: “We’re really pleased to integrate Kamma into the Goodlord platform. It’s so easy to fall unwittingly foul of the law when it comes to licensing; it’s such a minefield, and most agents have to do this manually or leave the responsibility to the landlord. This integration will make life so much easier for agents to stay compliant.”



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One Comment

  1. MickRoberts

    And we all know who ends up paying for all this.
    Do the Council’s and Govt realise what they are creating and the unnecessary costs being borne on tenant’s?


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