Firm offers landlords guaranteed rent for up to ten years ‘with Home Office as tenant’

A firm that has written to landlords offering long-term rental contracts where the Home Office is the tenant has caused concern among HMO owners.

However the Home Office has neither denied nor confirmed that Bradley & Greenford is making a completely legitimate offer.

On the Property Tribes forum, a number of landlords say that they have received the letters, offering them long-term rental contracts and guaranteed rent.

Scepticism has been expressed by some landlords over the offer.

The Bradley & Greenford website says that a problem for landlords is a very fast churn of tenants.

It says: “The solution is for landlords to take on longer term contracts, leveraging a guaranteed rent agreement and having the Home Office as their tenant, all whilst having a specialist team to monitor quality control throughout their property.

“This enables landlords to receive guaranteed rent, over a longer period of between 7-10 years, paid on the same day every month, whilst having their property managed and regularly reviewed by a team of quality control specialists.”

A firm called Bradley Greenford Group was incorporated in February this year, according to Companies House.

Bradley & Greenford does not appear on the Home Office website’s list of approved contractors.

EYE approached Bradley & Greenford for comment, explaining that this was a journalist enquiry, but have so far had no response.

The Home Office website gives a list of firms to which it has formally awarded contracts but Bradley & Greenford is not included on it.

However, the Home Office replied to us saying that it has a statutory obligation to provide support and accommodation for destitute asylum seekers while their asylum claim is ongoing.

It said: “We currently discharge the accommodation element of this statutory obligation through a suite of seven contracts with accommodation and transport providers.

“Our providers procure accommodation for asylum support contracts through a variety of means.

“This can include arrangements with private landlords, investors and housing associations.

“We would not comment on individual contracts.”

The firms named as Home Office contractors and confirmed to EYE are:

Mears (north-east, Yorkshire & Humber, Scotland, Northern Ireland);

Serco (north-west, midlands, east of England);

Clearsprings Ready Homes (Wales, south).

From the Bradley & Greenford website:


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One Comment

  1. 2nproperty

    Guaranteed rent continues to create controversy despite it being a very simple business model which requires transparency. It seems that guaranteed rent has gone all cloak and dagger.


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