Fines for non-compliant landlords exceeds £10m in London

Orla Shields

Fines for rogue landlords and agents in London have surged past the £10m mark, according to Kamma, a PropTech firm that monitors and reports on licensing schemes.

The £10m in fines comes along with Kamma’s projections in their latest report that 2024 is on track to beat 2023’s record of 32 new licensing schemes introduced. With 19 schemes and consultations launched as of April, the amount of new measures introduced so far this year is 30% ahead of this time in 2023.

Almost a third of all new schemes launched this year have been targeting London boroughs. Among the boroughs stepping up their efforts this month are Brent, Tower Hamlets, and Redbridge, each introducing additional or selective measures to combat rogue practices within the rental market.

Tower Hamlets, in particular, has disclosed over £1.2 million in financial penalties and rent repayment orders linked to unlicensed properties, a clear testament to the council’s commitment to upholding tenant rights and housing standards.

Redbridge Council have also revealed the results of their enforcement efforts from recent licensing measures, with 3,000 notices served and 76 prosecutions directly from their previous scheme. Meanwhile, Camden continues to lead in enforcement actions as the borough with the highest fines, recently announcing a hefty £350,000 penalty against an agency for failing to comply with a planning enforcement notice.

Kamma tracks fine updates through the Mayor of London’s rogue landlord’s database to determine total fines in the city.

Orla Shields, Kamma CEO, commented: “The surge in fines and licensing measures across London are clear indicators of the growing seriousness with which regulatory compliance is being treated. This year’s record-breaking figures represent a strong stance against non-compliance for agents and landlords in London.”



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