There is a major shake-up at Keller Williams UK (KWUK) following the publication of a brief press release a short while ago. The changes may be connected to a Notice in the London Gazette issued today inviting creditors of KWUK license holder, Grifettey Limited, to a virtual limited meeting on 11 March 2024.
According to Companies House, the accounts for Grifettey Limited are overdue.
Grifettey Limited is headed up by Ben Taylor, formerly CEO of KWUK, who is believed to have been the licensee for the Keller Williams UK operation.
Taylor became executive chairman of Keller Williams UK last year and continued to be the regional operating partner for the UK business. But it is not clear what his situation is now that Grifettey Limited has called a creditors meeting.
The Notice on London Gazette states:
The press release issued this evening makes no reference to Grifettey Limited. Instead it says:
“Keller Williams Announces New Chapter in the United Kingdom
“Keller Williams Worldwide (KWW), the international division of Keller Williams, the world’s largest real estate franchise by agent count, is reorganizing its KW United Kingdom region.
“During this transitional period, KW United Kingdom offices and agents will continue to serve agents and clients at the highest level possible.
“We view change as an opportunity to grow and improve,” said William E. Soteroff, president of KWW. “Our recent changes within KW United Kingdom are no exception. We remain fully committed to our mission of transforming lives through real estate in the United Kingdom.”
“KWW and the current KW United Kingdom market centers have already begun collaborations to continue to deliver growth, training and mentorship for all KW agents in the UK. Andrew Benn, Operating Principal of the KW Advantage market centre shared, “On behalf of my fellow KW market center leaders, we are excited to continue operations focused on growth and support of all our agents. Our top priority, as always, is to see our agents thriving as entrepreneurs.”
EYE has approached the Keller Williams PR team to find out more.
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Rearranging the seats on the Titanic
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So all those people asking for change now think that is a bad thing? Ok!
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Don’t suppose there’s any likelihood of KWWW clearing all the creditors of KWUK before carrying on regardless?
No obligation of course but simply an opportunity to demonstrate faith in their brand.
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Whilst this is sad for anyone that will be financially affected, the calibre of KW agents near us is absolutely appalling. I for one would not be sad to see the end of the relentless social media posts begging for work with “cute” pictures of dogs and trees and sunshine and the agents family and how everything is rosy………
I have personally heard people locally, not in the property industry, talk about how nauseating it is.
This agency/marketing model in particular, seems to have a very low barrier to entry.
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If you/your local community judge the calibre of an agent by their social media posts, it’s possible that your priorities are wrong!
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Upon reflection, I entirely agree with you. Social Media posts should not be the sole way you judge the calibre of agents. Perhaps I should mention the one who has no apparent previous agency experience, or their comrade who has run out of corporates in the vicinity to poorly perform at?
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Indeed you could, although I am not sure where that leaves you in the letigious world we live in. And of course, there will be individuals who will use any press opportunity to slander a rival agent. Perhaps though, if one was really content with what they did and what they were achieving, they wouldn’t feel compelled to focus on anything but their own success!
It’s a pity.. I left high street agency a decade ago to rid myself of this toxic culture – largely middle aged+ men who think it is still 1991, slinging low blows at each other and refusing to collaborate. I have respect for the SE model and what they are trying to achieve, I hope they don’t succumb to the same petty behaviour!
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Collaberate how ?
Look at any KW agency listings
They are lucky to have a handfull of instructions
Shame that you are ignorant and agist – that is petty indeed
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I am very content with what we do and achieve. I am also a great supporter of the Self Employed model and think that it will justifiably gain a much greater market share over the coming years, and rightly so.
My concern is that some people operating in this arena, in my opinion, dumb down the profession in the eyes of the general public.
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Personally I think its not a bad news story for KW I just feel angry it took William Soterof so long to respond to the continual failures of the Ben Taylor regime because he was informed many times of what was happening in the UK and failed to respond in a timely manner and the people that if affected more than any were the Operating Principle who has heavily invested personally in the Market Centres. These OPs have poured time, effort, energy, pots of cash and love into create market centres for the agents and those that have managed to remain are doing good. Its just sad many failed.
The likes of Diane Griffin (Head of Psychobabble) and Ben Taylor (Head of delusion) were Grifettey and the writing on the wall is plain for all to see. HOWEVER with that closed and done and the USA taking control I feel a huge sense of optimism for the OPs left to continue their great work inspiring some fantastic business owners.
A new start
A good day I imagine for those left.
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