Estate agent banned for drink driving

Angela Jones

An estate agent who drove while three times over the drink-drive limit has been banned from the roads.

Angela Jones was so drunk that she almost crashed into a police patrol car.

Jones was attempting to pick up her child from school when she came to the attention of police while at the wheel of her Audi Q3 on the M20 near Maidstone on 1 May.

After seeing the 49-year-old swerving in between lanes officers requested her to stop on Chatham Road, Maidstone, a slip road off the motorway, and she almost hit their car.

The mother-of-two gave a reading of 115 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath, making her more than three times the legal limit which is is 35 microgrammes.

Jones, of Osprey Close, Allington, Maidstone, was later charged with drink-driving and admitted the offence when she appeared at Medway Magistrates’ Court on 16 May.

James Nichols prosecuting said: “It was about midday and she was seen driving on the M20 and on the slip road between junctions five and six she was seen swerving in the lanes and almost hit the police car.

“She was pulled over and gave a positive reading at the roadside and gave a reading of 115 back at the station.”

Andrew Main, defending, told the court on the day she was pulled over she had been drinking as it was her day off, but that she had a call to say her elder son was unwell and needed picking up as he had a migraine.

He added: “She initially refused but he has autism and got upset. She didn’t feel that bad (to drive), it was a poor decision.”

Mr Main also said losing her licence would have an enormous impact on his client’s life.

He added: “She’s an estate agent and is not going to be able to do that, she can’t face the shame [of telling her bosses] so will be resigning and will leave (the company).”

“She’s embarrassed and ashamed that she will not be able to drive, she knows where she stands.”

A probation officer also interviewed Jones before she was sentenced and the bench heard the defendant was not a heavy drinker and that drinking was not an issue and that no one else had been in the vehicle at the time.

Magistrates banned Jones from driving for 23 months and said that was the lower end of their sentencing guidelines as she was of previous good character, had admitted her guilt on the first opportunity and showed remorse.

They also placed her on a 12-month community order which will see her complete 60 hours of unpaid work.

She was also ordered to pay £85 court costs and a victim surcharge of £114 and if she completes a drink-driving course, her ban will be reduced by five months.

Magistrates ordered she pays the court what she owes within 28 days.



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  1. AgencyAdvocate

    Is it not unnecessarily cruel to publish this story? I’m pretty sure she’s suffered enough without her name being splashed across the industry press.

    1. jan-byers

      You are as idiotic as she is

      She was 3 times over the limit

      She was preperaed to risk her kid’s life amnd other people’s lives

      She was swerving over the road and was a danger to other road users

      “Mr Main also said losing her licence would have an enormous impact on his client’s life.”

      Good someone like this should not be on the road

      She did not give a st about the impact she could have had on other people’s lives

      He added: “She’s an estate agent and is not going to be able to do that, she can’t face the shame [of telling her bosses] so will be resigning and will leave (the company).”

      She was have been sacked anyway no company can have someone like this working for them

      “She’s embarrassed and ashamed that she will not be able to drive,”


      She is not ashamed just annoyed that she got caught

      ” she knows where she stands.”

      She must have been hardly able to stand

    2. htsnom79

      completely agree, I wonder if she looked like susan boyle whether she’d have made Eye.

      Jan – your poverty of spirit and perpetual schadenfreude saddens me on your behalf. Yes an irresponsible and selfish act, but revelling in the situation is classless, being all holier than thou is self-serving and mealy mouthed , let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

      1. jan-byers

        I do not revel in anything
        I am just disgusted that anyone thinks she is a victim
        Not do I give a poo what you think of me
        I am not holier than thou – a close friend of mine was killed by a drunk driver
        If one of your family was killed by a pisshead you may also not support drink drivers
        You clearly think drink driving is fine in which case you are as bad as she is


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