Estate agency redundancies as online operators undermine business

A well-established estate agency in West Devon has announced it is making five redundancies as part of ‘restructuring’ the company.

Mansbridge Balment, which has been trading for 50 years, says Tavistock sales staff are losing their jobs to give the business a more sustainable future. in the face of increasing costs and competition.

The business, which also has offices in Yelverton and Okehampton, says the cost-cutting comes as reduced numbers of customers visit its offices, instead researching properties online.

Nick Henderson, Mansbridge Balment managing director, said: “In recent years the estate agency business has become more dynamic – the digital age has allowed things to happen more quickly and on a much wider scale than before. People buy and sell things in a very different way to the way it was done in the past.

“Visitor numbers to estate agency offices have dramatically fallen away and much of the work is carried out via digital platforms – we expect to launch a new website ourselves shortly.

“Estate agency remains a people business and, I think always will be, but the number of staff once required has changed and we have to work differently. Consequently, we will be restructuring the sales side of the business, and this will mean that, sadly, five members of the Tavistock sales team will be redundant. I would like to thank them for their fantastic contributions to the firm over many years – we are sorry to have to say goodbye.” Mansbridge Balment will continue to sell properties in Tavistock itself, and across the area, with the lettings department remaining in Tavistock and sales centres in Yelverton and Okehampton.

He added: “We will continue to offer the same levels of professionalism to buyers and sellers, landlords and tenants, that we have provided for more than 50 years now.”



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  1. Bless You

    It’s strange how profits have reduced as tech has increased.

    No matter how good tech is.. if govt keep wrecking economy it’s a waste.

    1. jan-byers

      The Ftse has recently hit its all time high
      My business is doing very well thanks
      EA is not profitable as the staff are not qualified amd it is a low skilled admin job these days
      The public has a lot of choice for cheap agents
      If agents cannot sell their service at a higher price that is their own fault

      1. KByfield04

        ‘EA is not profitable as the staff are not qualified amd it is a low skilled admin job these days’
        Your disdain for our profession and everyone within it continues unabated I see Jan. You might need to hire one of those ‘low-skilled’ people to help with your typing and grammar.
        If you hate it so much and are so successful elsewhere, why do you waste your precious time commenting on so many industry pieces?
        I think Dexter’s £40m profit might disagree with your view.

        1. jan-byers

          FGS not the ” you made a typo so you cant spell” infantile comment LOL I cannot type fast – big deal
          How much does the average neg at Dexters earn for working mega hours?
          I have known people who worked at corporate companies and independents who could not wait to get out and into another profession
          They were sick of the micro management and poor rewards
          I have worked in independent and corporate agencies myself
          I just had a look on Reed out of interest
          Loads of EA job where the on target earnings are 35-40k – whoopie dooo
          The reason EAs have poor quality staff is no one can buy a house on that
          What are the qualifications to been an estate agent – to own a suit and a pair of shoes
          From Reed Website – The Average Estate Agent salary in the UK is

  2. KByfield04

    Have I woken up in 2004?

    1. jan-byers

      FGS not the ” you made a typo so you cant spell” infantile comment LOL I cannot type fast – big deal
      How much does the average neg at Dexters earn for working mega hours?
      I have known people who worked at corporate companies and independents who could not wait to get out and into another profession
      They were sick of the micro management and poor rewards
      I have worked in independent and corporate agencies myself
      I just had a look on Reed out of interest
      Loads of EA job where the on target earnings are 35-40k – whoopie dooo
      The reason EAs have poor quality staff is no one can buy a house on that
      What are the qualifications to been an estate agent – to own a suit and a pair of shoes
      From Reed Website – The Average Estate Agent salary in the UK is

    2. jan-byers

      You have not woken up
      You live in dreamland

    3. jan-byers

      You are just a failed actor with no qualifuications


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