Estate agency boards firm offers help with Bring Back Clarkson campaign

Well, you can’t say that Kremer Signs were slow to miss a highly topical marketing opportunity yesterday.

The firm, which supplies boards to agents throughout the UK, took to Twitter to offer its help with ‘Bring back Jeremy Clarkson’ signs.

Although personally, we’d much prefer a sign suggesting he stays away.




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  1. Robert May

    “we’d much prefer a sign suggesting he stays away”  I don’t think you have given that much thought Eye. (sounds like Ali G?)  At Top Gear he is contained, if you don’t like him, don’t watch. If he is let loose can you imagine what he will get up to free of the constraints he currently abides by in order to drive fast cars and poke sticks at foreigners for money?  If he isn’t doing that he could become ….. leader of UKIP!
    Do you really fancy him being part of a coalition government come May 6th?

  2. Lance Trendall

    But what about the producer at the BBC. Imagine having thrown away a show worth £50M to the BBC, how do you wrote that on your CV? I wonder if he’ll be seeing Clarkson at the job centre? Crazy though not to sort the fracas or in private to protect the show and the beeb. An expert to over 200 countries messed up by a dispute between two people,  too unbelievable for fiction.


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