Friends of a YouTuber who is being sued for £10,000 by landlord Fergus Wilson after comments he made about him online have launched a crowdfunding campaign to pay for his defence.
Wilson says he may take out a private prosecution against Danny Hyde, who runs Danny Hyde TV, if he does not pay £10,000. Wilson is angry about a video criticising the landlord’s policy to ban non-white tenants “because of the curry smell they leave behind”.
So far the campaign, entitled “Rescue Danny Hyde TV” has raised a little over £300 of its £10,000 target.
Sam Percival, who started the fundraising effort said on the website: “Sure, Danny may have referred to him using a few choice words…but I think suing him for £10,000 is a bit much, especially since this guy’s packing £250million and Danny has £100 to his name.”
A court ruled last November that Wilson had acted unlawfully and he was handed an injunction banning him from applying criteria discriminating against “coloured” tenants or those of Indian or Pakistani backgrounds. The injunction remains in place for three years.
Hyde took to YouTube in March last year to criticise Wilson in a video aimed at his 1,200 subscribers a few days after the injunction.
Nearly eight months later, Hyde, received a letter to his home in Glastonbury, Somerset, demanding to know if he was behind the video.
Wilson told The Metro that the issue was not what Hyde said but “the way he said it”.
Wilson said: “I will bankrupt him if he can’t pay. He should not have done it at the start. If you start doing these things, you are responsible for the consequences.”
I think YouTubers and bloggers etc do need to remember that there are consequences to what they say. But I also think that the Landlord is probably making a mountain out of a molehill. 8 months before he tries to find out who did the video.
And Wilson needs to remember that if he is going to start discriminating against people based on their background or cultural foods, then people are within their rights to view him as racist and treat him the same way!
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I looked at the gallery in the Metro article and was surprised at one of the entries on his ‘banned list’ – Plumbers! You’d expect a racist, misogynist to ban women and anyone who has the temerity to eat curry but Plumbers? What have they done to incur his considerable wrath?
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I’ve got a Landlord who has said no children, but that’s because its a period property with millions of small staircases and a garden shared with the business next door. She is more concerned for the safety of said child than the property!
I wonder what he would say if an all-you-can-eat place tried to stop larger guests from eating there as they would make a loss? Or if an airline tried to charge heavier passengers more than lighter ones? after all it’s just “fine-tuning to the best advantage”!
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Ha Ha, Most of the buffet all you can stuff down restaurants in the hotels in Las Vegas have signs advising guests of a 3 hour eating limit. Personally I’ve always found myself full after 2.75 hours.
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9 years ago when having to look for a rental after a divorce, I asked to view a lovely looking cottage. I was asked if I had children, to which the answer was yes. My viewing request was declined as the owners a gay couple didn’t want to have children next door…..the agent declined to comment when I asked if I was the landlord and had declined a gay couple…other than to say that is different. I move to petition the readers of the Daily Mail and Express that middle aged single fathers are a minority! In fact it must infringe my Human Rights and probably even a UN resolution somewhere!!!
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