Chestertons to drop Rightmove, while Savills will ditch Zoopla

Chestertons, one of London’s largest estate agencies, has announced that it will be advertising on the Zoopla and PrimeLocation websites from January.

In contrast, Savills has said it will drop Zoopla and use Rightmove as its “one other portal”.

Both firms are founding members of Agents’ Mutual and will be listing properties on OnTheMarket.

Chestertons, which has 30 offices across London,  is the first major estate agency company to announce choosing Zoopla over Rightmove as its “one other portal”.  Knight Frank and Spicerhart have both opted to drop Zoopla and go with Rightmove.

Chestertons – whose announcement came via Wriglesworth, Zoopla’s PR agency – said that one of the main reasons for choosing Zoopla is that in London, Zoopla and PrimeLocation have “substantial market share”.

Robert Bartlett, CEO of Chestertons and a founding director of Agents’ Mutual, said: We have looked carefully at data collated over the past 12 months and the numbers clearly show that our properties get more views and our clients get more leads from the Zoopla and PrimeLocation websites when compared to other property portals.

“Based on our analysis of the data, this was an easy choice for us.

“On top of this, we have all been impressed with the speed at which Zoopla Property Group has been able to grow over the past few years and, from working closely with them over recent months, know them to be an exciting and dynamic partner that is always looking for new ways to improve its website and service offering.

“The strength of the Zoopla and PrimeLocation brands in London and the south-east is clear and our clients expect to see their properties advertised on these websites.

“We look forward to continuing to work closely with the Zoopla team in 2015 and beyond.”

Savills spokesman Paul Jarman, however, said that having analysed leads generated from portals, the inquiries from Rightmove were higher quality than those from Zoopla. It was therefore dropping Zoopla. Savills has some 110 branches.

Three remaining Agents’ Mutual founders, Douglas & Gordon, Glentree Estates, and Strutt & Parker, have yet to say whether they are sticking with Zoopla or Rightmove.


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  1. Herb

    Agents have to power to kill rm/zoo and their greedy shareholders. By only listing with OTM – 100% agent owned, no online parasites, no expensive extras

    1. 1stTimeBuyer

      Greedy shareholders, err hello… and what of greedy agents in agents mutual??? That's even worse. Suggest you stop and think before you type and submit.

      1. Property Pundit

        Just read your own last sentence and act on it for the benefit of this forum. You're becoming embarrassing now.

  2. Rayhan-GetAgent

    Bravo Chestertons. But I can't help but feel that Savills and Knight Frank missed a trick by not sticking with Primelocation. The likes of Wetherells are off of Rightmove already.

    1. Disillusioned

      The trick KF and Savills missed was not pulling off both and announcing it a few months ago.

      1. ringi

        And lose all their customers….

  3. Rayhan-GetAgent

    And so far, very few agencies outside of London have 'declared' their other portal.

    1. Disillusioned

      It is Rightmove.

    2. Taff

      My "one other portal" FOR NOW is Zoopla. HOWEVER, if OTM does as well as I suspect and hope that it does, then I look forward to the day I can give them my notice too.

  4. Siaf

    Chesterton should have dropped zoopla. Majority of the london agents I know have and will drop zoopla. We did. Everyone dropping zoopla would have a far more powerful effect.

    1. truthbetold

      I don't understand this logic. So RM can then charge you what they want? How would killing Zoopla (and hugely strengthening RM) help you?

      1. Siaf

        One of the two major portals needs to go, if everyone leaves Zoopla that will leave Rightmove in a stronger position making it the no 1 choice. At which point other agents who are waiting for the dust to settle can make a simple decision to move to Agents Mutual. After this, Agents Mutual can work its way through to becoming the leader.

        1) Agents who are very big are not hugely dependent on the portals,

        2) the very small agents who are only on other other portal can join AM without giving anything up. or look to move to AM and save some money

        3) The mid range agents like me, who are dependent on both rightmove and zoopla stand to lose against non-AM members if zoopla stays close behind rightmove and infront of AM. One of the top two portals needs to be go.

  5. Disillusioned

    Well done to Chestertons, although with the end of Jan getting nearer and nearer, why not issue a statement singing the praises of OTM instead of Zoopla?
    KF did the same last week with Rightmove. If you want OTM to succeed, R and Z soon become the competition.

    1. RealAgent

      I was thinking exactly the same thing, it seemed strange to shower so much praise on Zoopla, I guess that the whole of the comment came via the Z PR agency however.

      1. Disillusioned

        That will have been part of the deal!

        1. RealAgent

          As well as listing free for 6 months no doubt!

          1. Disillusioned

            It does look very much like they have started to look after themselves far more than promoting OTM. It is the one reason ive not signed up as, as per usual when any good idea comes along, no one can **** it up like Estate Agents. Its not R or Z that the biggest obstacle for OTM, its Agents themselves and more to the point OTM Agents.

  6. FrankAbagnale

    If we're all in this together, I'd like to see complete clarity over what agents are paying the "other" portal.

    Wouldn't it be unfair if the large founder members were being offered huge discounts to show their allegiance to either RM/Zoopla while all the other agents continue to pay high fees?

    I wouldn't call that a level playing field for all.

    1. wilko

      You will never see clarity or transparency. In my view (and proved by the recent Eye survey) RM and Z will charge different agents as much as they possibly can. The only transparent rate card is OTM.

      1. smile please

        I know its depressing! Letting agents need to show their rate card, sales agents need to work from a rate card to show they are not "Playing it by ear" yet portals are allowed to hide their rate card. Hardly seems fair, surprised they have not been highlighted by the OFT. in respect to OTM openness I was told (although by another portal) that they have been offering discounts to agents that are not on the card to win their business. Sour grapes or fact?

        1. Property Pundit

          Such tactics by 'other portals' are to be expected (and despised). If there was to be any truth to such comments, OTM would be dead in the water immediately.

        2. wilko

          "Sour grapes or fact?"…..I think you know the answer of that one Smile!

          1. smile please

            I like to think the grapes!

  7. Trevor Mealham

    Many AM central London agents are members of Lonres. Whats to stop Chestertons advertising Savills listings on Zoopla and Savills advertising Chestertons on RM.

  8. ChippyJames

    Chestertons is now a London focused business rather than a national brand so it makes sense to focus with zoopla/primelocation. No comment about what Humberts will be doing or if it is considered a totally separate business now.
    Savills and Knight Frank are national businesses so rightmove makes sense for them.

  9. Eric Walker

    Is it me or are this founding members of AM actually endorsing the big beasts they were trying to protest against?

    1. Paul H

      Big companies have to make press statements Eric, unlike my small independent agent that told my mates down the dog and duck!

      1. Eric Walker

        I know. But at the start of agents mutual it was all "I hate Rightmove because…" now it's "We get more leads from RM/Z…" They are deciding which is economically more viable which implies that whoever they choose is actually value for money. It's all going to end in tears

        1. Paul H

          I don't think the long term goal has changed Eric, other wise why are we all doing this?!

        2. Trevor Mealham

          Why are agents not aborting RM and Z ? I can see the delay tactic working and suggested it long before others. But to withdraw all listings from RM and Z would have impact as TV advertising could have said properties from X and Y and Z etc etc can only be found on AM. I can understand the gradual approach, but wouldn't a total exclusion have been better?

          1. smile please

            Trevor if this had been done I would have signed up immediately. in essence all OTM achieves is "Robbing Peter to pay Paul" pointless!

        3. Paul H

          @Eric…"It's all going to end in tears"…Youv'e called it wrong mate. This is not Prime, AM is not being done so people can then sell it off and make a pot of gold. People are doing this because they have identified a problem with the duopoly and want to put there money on the table to do something about it. You must now be able to see that by the way people are pushing it already. Like I say Eric, youv'e called it wrong mate!

          1. Eric Walker

            Paul – I haven't called it wrong. Like the Oracle at Delphi who told Croesus ""If you cross the river, a great empire will be destroyed." – but neglected to say which one. Similarly, I didn't say for whom it would end in tears. 😉

          2. smile please

            Cop out Eric! Stand by the courage of your convictions 😉

          3. Paul H

            @eric…"I never said who it would end in tests for"….if they have out awards for 'edging your bets' you'd clean up?!!;-)

  10. HappyCamper

    We are based in the North East of England and are undecided on which one to drop. We wold love to drop RM as that would actually give us the opportunity to bring in another member of staff ( we currently pay £1500 a month for RM up from £550 when we first signed up in 2007). However, if the other agents around us stick with RM they would use it as a tool to bat us down with.

    1. James Morris

      and this is the problem. Agents are always looking at ways of out doing each other. It's the same with paper advertising in our area and everything else. We could save ourselves a fortune not advertising in the local paper every week but if we don't, then no doubt other agents will use that to their advantage.

      1. danny

        Are you suggesting that marketeers somehow try to gain an advantage over other competing businesses in their local area by spending money on advertising and then telling their clients about it…im absolutely outraged and am going to immediately emigrate to a communist country where such underhand tactics simply wouldn't be allowed

      2. Taff

        Or all the agents could get together and agree to advertise every OTHER week. Just saying. I know it's worked very well in other parts of the country.

    2. Yorkshire Agent

      HappyCamper I am glad you raised this issue. Currently we are only with Rightmove, I am seriously considering ditching them. Stock levels are now probably at their lowest following a wonderful sales period, a general election is on the way and as can be expected the run up to a general election is usually sluggish. Therefore continuing to pile in large amounts of money into Rightmove, increasing their fighting fund against the white knight of AM will perhaps in 12 months time will be considered regrettable. With the forthcoming massive advertising campaign customers will want to know why you are not on Onthenmarket, Rightmove I believe will be considered old hat.

      1. jamonjamon

        Only using 1 portal as you current source of advertising and having a wonderful sales period yet thinking of dropping that portal. Amazing business sense?!?!

        Yes I'm sure leads came from elsewhere as well but no denying a lot would have come from this 1 portal you want to drop.

        1. Property Pundit

          RM Rep alert me thinks

      2. danny

        Wow, someone's been hitting the Christmas sherry early. Your not with Zoopla and your considering coming off Rightmove to The WhiteKnight of agents mutual , Rightmove will be old hat in twelve months … Jesus, was it your Christmas party last night , hope you didn't drive in

  11. Property Ear

    Referring to Rightmove as greedy smacks of resentment – They are successful, not greedy and will smile even more on their way to the bank as the disgruntled argue over which side of the fence they should jump. The present camaraderie between agents is quite fascinating – more often than not one is delighted to see the other guy's business go down the pan! Surely, sitting on the fence is the best place to be, planning a strategy for a successful year ahead whilst the others scrap it out!

    1. Property Pundit

      Rightmove not greedy – what a numptie!

      1. Property Ear

        Jealousy gets you nowhere – I'll bet you'd like a cut of the action!!

        1. Property Pundit

          At least **** Turpin wore a mask!

          1. Property Pundit

            Wow – censorship – apparently we can't use the shortened form of Richard on here!

    2. smile please

      Rightmove are greedy! – Yes they have the best market placement and best product but the profit they make from agents and the continual yearly rising rates and their "How much can we squeeze out of an agent in xyz city beacause of our dominance" is greedy, unfair and in effect have a monopoly. I admire the thinking behind some of AM / OTM's supporters / members but their is no way they will topple RM and RM will be stronger and greedier than ever.

  12. Paul H

    @smile please said…"Trevor if this had been done I would have signed up immediately. in essence all OTM achieves is "Robbing Peter to pay Paul" pointless!"…If this would have been done then there would have been very little take up. The one other rule is the right approach then when confident with OTM agents can jump ship.

    1. smile please

      I guess we will see Paul, but if OTM is too scared to ask agents to drop RM at the start (when all the excitement from AM disciples is at its highest) and now agents have the choice to drop RM and are too scared. Why would they drop them in the future?! The best I can see OTM achieving is splitting the Z membership and getting a minority of agents that can really not afford RM (the backstreet agents). I cannot see how OTM / AM can over turn RM – So yes to me it is pointless and AM missed their biggest chance to succeed RM.

  13. Property Ear

    The success of Rightmove is all down to market forces. Look at the riches Wayne Rooney can command for what he does! In this world it's no good knocking the winners – you've just got to get out there and do better. Good luck to OTM – if their venture can outdo Rightmove they've cracked it – long live competition – it's good for all of us.

  14. Taff

    The way I see it. RM are the strongest portal AT THE MOMENT but after 26th January will be direct competition – as I own a share of OTM. Given a straight choice, why would I support our strongest competitor? Surely, we are better off supporting our weaker competitor FOR NOW, and then ditch them when our own portal has proved itself.

    1. Siaf

      Agree – which is why one of the two portals needs to go and OTM members need to get rid of the same portal to make this work. If there is a split camp between RM and Zoopla the winners will be non-OTM members!

    2. PeeBee

      "Surely, we are better off supporting our weaker competitor FOR NOW…" Taff – there's a degree of logic in there – but logic also determines that WHICHEVER competitor you support, you are strengthening their position and therefore weakening the effect of what you are setting out to achieve.

  15. bridget

    I am not really sure how all this is meant to be a selling point for the customer. Previously they only had to look at Rightmove which pretty much had a monopoly. They could look at Zoopla if they preferred some of the features, but wouldn't really be getting that many new ones on there so most people probably just stick to the one they prefer. You are now hoping they will all look at OTM instead but why? They will now need to look at Zoopla and Rightmove now because OTM has excluded lots of agents, and split the rest of the properties between the two, so what advantage do they have to looking at OTM as well as the properties on there will almost certainly be on RM or Zoopla. What unique ones will it have? If there is no point in looking at OTM as a customer why would it be really successful? OTM seems to be all about making agents happy, not sure how it benefits the customer unless you are all planning to pass on your savings, which I think is pretty unlikely. Am I missing something?

    1. PeeBee

      "…not sure how it benefits the customer unless you are all planning to pass on your savings…" I would have to say that there are several ways to "pass on savings" – and I would also say that there are some companies who will actually INCREASE their spend as a result of this venture. Do you then agree that they should pass THAT on to their customers?

      1. bridget

        Not sure you quite understood what I meant. I mean that unless OTM is so successful almost immediately that agents on it delist with ALL other property portals then buyers will still have to look at RM and Z to cover most of the market. At the start there will be no properties on OTM that aren't also on RM or Z so therefore what is the incentive as a consumer to look at a third portal that has no unique properties?

  16. jmeapps01

    We got yet another new instruction today as one of our competitor agents had told the vendor their property was going to be on OTM and one other! Not a huge fee 1.8% of £425k but a very saleable home and quite frankly any saving I would have made by dropping a major portal has just paid for itself for that office. We have not gone out of our way yet to promote the fact that we are continuing to market properties on all the major portals but I think in the new year, if we were to do so, this would be an easy way of picking up more instructions. Whether agents like it or not the public will not respond kindly to agents who tell them they are only going to market their property on one never heard of portal and one other. I'm sure like me you think your marketing is so good that you don't need the portals that much. but this isn't about what you as agents think or want it's about what the public think and want. If you don't care about that then more fool you!!!

    1. PeeBee

      Interesting read, Mr Henry. In the statement you say "Daniels Estate Agents have taken the view that the risk to their clients outweighs the saving the agency would potentially make." Truly admirable – I should be clapping my hands and cheering you on, considering my stand on OTM. BUT… on your Tw@tter page, you state "Daniels will be #closed between #Christmas and New Year as usual, and we encourage other businesses to follow suit" So, your clients can be perfectly assured that whilst THEIR Agent (that would be YOU…) is not going to be open like others – who will be responding to emails; answering phone calls; greeting visitors; arranging viewings and potentially negotiating sales of THEIR CLIENTS' HOMES – this is not a problem and that not one of your clients will suffer as a result. After all – your statement claims "“We have looked at the pros and cons carefully. At this time we cannot honestly say that we would be representing our clients best interests if we were to drop one of the two most prominent property portals in the UK”, so I take it that the same process was adopted to reach the decision not to open during the Christmas/New Year period? I would hate to think that someone who states their Agency has "…taken the view that the risk to their clients outweighs the saving the agency would potentially make" adopted a VERY DIFFERENT VIEW when it suited them…

  17. ProperyGuru

    The agents have clearly lost sight of the main reason they decided to form OTM. RM were the worst culprits of driving the cost of advertising up and most of the agents seem to side with them, which will, if anything, make them more dominant.

    I highly doubt that RM or Zoopla are particularly concerned about any of this.

    Essentially a portal and the leads it delivers is down to how well known the portal is to the general public. If OTM think they can compete on this front with the other portals and their huge advertising budgets, then I would like to know how.

    Give it a couple of years and my prediction is all the agents will regret signing up this.


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